Special Categories

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All of the genres will be judged by people who volunteer. And they will come up with the 4 winner in each category. Now, from all those books who haven't won; we will be choosing some special features.
This will be chosen by the hosts only and there will be no form for this. This is just to ensure that some books will get credit for their authenticity. There will be only one winner for each category.

So here are the special categories:

》Best male protagonist
》Best female protagonist
》Best plot
》Best plot-twist
》Best antagonist
》Best cover (this category will be fully judged by xharleenEYDx who is managing the cover and stickers in these awards. She will be going through every cover of all those books who have lost and will choose one best)


Prizes for these categories:
》A permanent follow from this account
》A sticker for their winning category
》Bragging rights.
》Book will be added to our public reading list
》A shout-out on our wall

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