waller meets tennyson

Start from the beginning

"Cut the shit. I know professor paradox talked with you. He showed you a brief glimpse of my future." Ben said. Waller seemed unfazed by this.

"So you know professor paradox." Waller said.

"Yes I do know him. As best any can know him. Have to admit the guys past is an enigma before his little experiment. I'm sure you've seen his file. Knowing people like you, once you met him you used every resource you could to understand him." Ben said. Again waller was unfazed.

"Yes. Interesting story. Brilliant man builds a machine hoping for it to make a portal through time. The project supposedly failed. In the wake of its failure it takes him inside its portal and never worked again. Afterwards the government blacked out nearly everything in the entire file and the man's history. His name, his parents, his family, where he graduated from college, his high school, friends, even his work colleagues. Absolutely nothing except for the fact that he worked on a time machine and dissapeared. Now he's back and somehow has a mastery over all of time and space." Waller said.

"Yeah. He told me all about it. I had to investigate Area 51. During that we found the blacked out files. He then told us what happened after the experiment." Ben said. This seemed to interest waller.

"Really now.... mind telling me what is the cause of this man's amazing power?" Waller asked.

"Oh you know. Found himself in a place outside of time and space. Didnt need to eat, drink, sleep. So he spent eternity there all alone. Went insane, for few millennia, then got bored of it and went sane before he started to unravel the secrets of time from this place he was stuck in. But what does that matter. I thought you were here for me." Ben said uncaring.

"Excuse me. I couldn't help but be curious about this all powerful professor paradox. Besides I believe I have you all figured out. Your power comes from the watch doesn't it." Waller said. Ben's expression never changed.

"Ooh. Give the woman prize. She figured out what the entire galaxy already knew...." ben thought for a second. "save for earth. But your only partially correct."

"My only question is how a normal person like you could come across a weapon such as that." Waller said. This was what finally got Ben's expression to change. Immediately ben laughed loudly. "I'm sorry did I say something funny?" Waller asked accusingly. Ben's smiled never faultered.

"Yeah. You think I'm normal." Ben said laughing again. "Lady absolutely nothing in my life is normal. Nor has it ever been." Ben replied. Ben smirked at waller. "And to answer to your question on how I got my powers. I was born with them." Ben said.

"Like a meta human?" Waller asked.

"Not really. You believe my power comes from the watch. In reality it comes from me. I was born with cybernetic enhancements that could alter my DNA and change it into any sentient lifeform in the galaxy. The watch merely... controls my powers. I guess you can think of me as an alien cyborg." Ben said.

"Do you mind me asking how it does this? Nanites? Does your DNA change itself like meta human shapeshifters?" Waller asked.

"Don't worry about it. The science is way over your head. Let's just say that every single cell in my body is a part of a very complex machine that uses frequencies to alter my DNA." Ben said.

"Every cell?" Waller asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep. Every single one. From my hair all the way down to the nail on my pinky toe." Ben said.

"So even your sex cells? So then would your children also have your abilities?" She asked.

"Yes. And I see where your going with this. Good luck finding enough DNA to pull it off." Ben said.

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