Chapter the 4.5: Home

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Daniel was getting fed up with Draco's antics. First he insults Y/n, now this?

"Give that here, Draco!" Daniel shouted. Draco darted across the dormitory room. Daniel attempted to follow, but he was blocked by the boys he had come to know as Crabbe and Goyle. They were ridiculously huge for eleven-year-olds. He tried to push his way between them, but they stayed put. "Give that back!" He looked to Zabini for help, but he just snickered. 

Draco smirked at Daniel, then looked down at the envelope. "It's so tiny," he commented. He tore the wax seal off of the envelope and pulled out a small slip of paper. He quickly read it, and his smirk fell right off and a disappointed look replaced it. "It just says hello!" He looked up at Daniel with a glare. "I can't believe I wasted my time and energy on this! Crabbe, Goyle, stand down."

Crabbe and Goyle relaxed and Daniel pushed his way through. He grabbed the paper from Draco and inspected it over. It really did just say hello.

"Was there anything else in the envelope?" Daniel inquired. Draco looked inside and pulled out a small flower- a daisy just like the ones that were in the crown that Y/n had woven for him. Draco smiled. 

"They gave you a little gift to go with your pretty crown!" Draco laughed. Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini all joined in the laughter as well. Daniel's face grew hot and he snatched the envelope and flower from Draco's hands as well. He stalked over to his bed, placed the envelope and its contents under it (next to the daisy crown), and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill. He left the dormitory and found himself a cozy chair in the common room. 

Dear Mum and Dad, he began,

This first week of school has been absolutely terrible. I'd feel better about being sorted into Slytherin if the other boys weren't so rude. I thought I'd made friends with one of them, but apparently not. He just laughed when I asked him for help today when the other one- Draco Malfoy- and his henchmen took a letter I'd gotten and teased me. 

I did make a good friend, though. Her name is Y/n Weasley. She's really nice. I spent the whole afternoon with her today. Draco made her a bit upset just after Potions; he insulted her family. 

I think all the classes are interesting. I'm really excited to start performing actual spells soon and learning how to ride a broomstick. I just wish the people here were better. I already wish I was home.



He sighed as he finished his letter, knowing he'd have to wait until the next morning to deliver it. He rolled it up and headed back up to the boys' dormitory. He paused a bit before he opened the door, bracing himself for anything. 

The other boys were under their covers. Daniel heard loud snoring coming from both Crabbe and Goyle's beds. 

Daniel was just about to tuck himself in as well when Draco's voice filled the room. 

"Hey, Johnson," he began, "you don't think Y/n really meant what she said earlier about giving me a chance, do you?"

"What's it to you?" Daniel asked in a harsh tone. 

"Nothing," Draco replied. "I just wanted to know if she was really trying to mouth off like that. As if I need any chances from her. I don't need a chance from anyone."

Daniel didn't quite believe that, but he brushed it off. He threw his blanket over himself and rolled over. It wasn't long after he closed his eyes that he fell asleep. 

SHORT CHAPTER!!! Tell me; did you enjoy seeing Daniel's side? What do you think of him so far? Is he a good character? A bad one? 

Favorite magical subject. Comment.

And, now, it is time for the publish. BYE!!!

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