Chapter 19

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*Emily's Pov*

I looked back and saw an unknown guy.

You know people would think just because you wear a mask, no one would be able to know you. Well, that's wrong, as long as you know the eye colour and hair colour, you have everything you need.

But this guy is wearing contacts, silver contacts to be specific. There is no way I would know his real eye colour except if he removes the contacts from his eyes, so his eye colour is crossed out.

He had black hair but I can't see the roots of his hair, so it might or might not be his real hair colour.

He is actually handsome and wears a beautiful sparkling silver mask with black suit, black trousers and silver shoes. The silver complements the black and makes him look even more handsome. Turns out both of us wore silver masks.

 Turns out both of us wore silver masks

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^His mask above^

"Hello, what is a beautiful lady like you doing alone here?" The stranger asked nicely.

I would have thought he is just a normal rich guy, but for him to put on contacts means he is trying to hide his identity.

I smirked internally at the thought.

That's almost like me.

"Oh sir, I was just taking some fresh air" I said politely.

"Would you mind if I keep you company, Miss... Emily"

For a second there I thought he wanted to say IFU. My heart was beating so fast, but he doesn't know, which is good.

Wait! How did he know my name?

"Of course, Mr...?" I trailed off in an attempt for him to answer.

"Johnson" He answered with a smirk

"Oh, Mr Johns- wait! Johnson?!!"

I was so surprised, does that mean he is the son of the 1st richest family? I know I am supposed to be composed but that shock was too much.

"As in The Johnson family?" I asked just to reaffirm.

"Yes, the Johnson family or is there any other family that has the authority to come to this ball and that same surname?" He asked teasingly.

I would have laughed or talk back, but he is a Johnson- The 1st richest. He can get rid of me with just a snap of his fingers. All the resources I have is not enough to go against him, even if my friends and I joined hands, we are nothing compared to him. The distance between the 2nd richest and 1st richest is too great.

"I am sorry for speaking so impolitely before" I quickly apologised respectfully.

"It's alright and you really don't need to be so polite. Just talk to me as if I were your equal" He said clearly not liking my behaviour

"Ok, I will try"

Cause I don't want to die early.

We talked a little more and I enjoyed his company. We later just stared at the stars cause he also loved the stars.

"Why do you love the stars, Silver?" I called him 'Silver' cause he didn't want to tell me his name since it isn't allowed yet, so I just named him after his mask and contacts. Yes I know it is a lame nickname and sounds like a girl's own but it isn't like I will call him Mr. Johnson since he said I shouldn't be polite.

"Hmm... It is because they are always there no matter what, even if you can't see it, they are still there. What about you?" He asked as he stared at me.

"Hmm, I guess it is because they remind me I can reach high, since they are so high above. I want to be great enough to touch the stars even if it is literally impossible" I explained as I stretched my hands towards the sky.

"That is a good reason, you are really a lovely lady. You know what? I like you, let's officially be friends" He said as he stretched his hands towards me.

He is pretty cute like that, he looks like a little child asking for sweets.

I giggled as I shook his hand.

"Of course, you are a great guy too."

We exchanged numbers and I saved his with 'Silver' since he still hasn't told me his name.

He left shortly after and I went back to my friends since it was now 11:20pm, I really spent time with Silver.

We had a blast even though we still didn't see Ivans, Nick and Dexter.

We went home by 1:00am in the morning and I was so exhausted.

I directly fell on my bed and wished to just sleep off but I had to shower.

I showered and changed into my pyjamas and finally went to sleep.

*Still this morning*

I woke up still sleepy around 9:00am and took my phone while still rubbing my eyes to check for any missed calls or messages.

Turns out I only had 4 messages and none was from Lily, I guess she was really exhausted.

One was from silver.

'Hi, it's... Silver. You know I think you should change that nickname, it is really girly'

I giggled and replied.

Me- 'I will change it if you tell me your name😉'

Sil- 'You know I can't do that. Pls change it😕'

Me- 'Tell me and I will change it😜'

I had some fun messing with Silver until I went to the next message.

It was from Ivans.

'Sorry I couldn't keep you company yesterday, those people didn't let me go😅'

I laughed and replied

Me- 'No problem, I feel you were the one that actually suffered🤗'

Iv- 'Thank you. You understand me'

I talked some more with Ivans before I went to the next message.

It was from Isa, she was just greeting me so I talked a little with her before moving on to the last message.

It was from an unknown number- mystery guy.

'Miss IFU, you looked absolutely stunning yesterday, I wished we danced. I can't wait to see you again. Your darling, Mystery guy'

Yesterday, some people danced but I didn't cause... I just didn't.

So mystery guy must be influential for him to be able to come since the party is for the top 50 richest, I never doubted that.

Anyway, I am tired. I want to sleep some more. Ha, lovely sleep.

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