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Xaviar's POV

today's accident bought heart atteck to me.when my baby fell from my stairs i was like froze for a second .i know for many people it is small accident but for me a drop of blood of my baby is like a knife stabbing in my heart.

Thank god nothing was serious.

Whenever I see my baby happy and smiling and laughing ,my world brightened up.

After breakfast my baby told me about the situation at her collage which makes me so furious that I want to kill them with so much torture but I had to control in front of my baby.

When she left I went to family and decided to tell them.

As I headed downstairs everyone was in living room

"I want to say somet regarding Rosa"
I begin

Everyone loomed at me worrying

"Some student are bullying Rosa at collage because of her naive and in innocent nature." I said

"WHAT" everyone was shocked.but I continued.

"Whenever one of your son went to drop her some girls harras her it is not physical but it is verbal and some boys try to get to her because of her beauty.she couldn't tell you because she loves her family so much and she knows because of the action. You might teke will ruin your reputation."

"How can she not tell us?it can be serious .they can be physical with her" banjimin said defeated.

"This is how you took care of her ?she can't even tell you that she is in trouble" David said angrily.

"This is not time for that .we have to do something.those wenches and those fuckurs are not going to hurt my daughter more.Bangimjn I have never asked anything from I am asking .I want this bitches and fuckers to leave my rosa's life for good ." Angelina said.

"Yes David this is the chance to prove your love to your daughter .I want those people dead from my amara's life." Laura said.

Mariano said "I think we should wait till doll comes home then with CCTV footage we can know who were bullying her."

We all nodded.

"But we have to hide this from Rosa we can't let her know this she will get scared of us.and this is the last thing we want." Wytte said.


I inform my men to go through the footage of last 1 month to know those people .

After 3 hours suddenly front door opens and comes crying amamra.

She went to wytte and hugged him amd cried .we were so worried.

"What happen sweety?did something happen?are you hurt?didi someone hurt you?" We were all aski g this question but she was only crying.

I rushed to her side and picked her in my arms bridal style and tack her to her room.she was still crying on my chest.her tears were making my shirt wet.but I could care less.

My baby is crying and the thought of somebody hurting her makes me so furious but I have to wait.

I laid her on her bed.

Angelina comes to her side and took her hand and said " what happen baby?" And she sobbed hard this time and hugged her tightly.

"Please baby tell us what happen?" Benjamin asked slowly but I know she was furious .

Laura gives her water after five minutes she calm down and start telling.

"When I reached collage as usual everyone was looking at me weirdly.but I didn't pay any mind.then I went to my classroom and sit.after five minutes our professor come and start tacking our assignment.i submit mine and then he was checking it.and he praised my assignment for my usual veryone was glaring at me.then after class was over I went to library to look for book
Then suddenly four girls cornered me and started saying some bad thing about me like I was sleeping with profesor and I was slut this is whu I always get good grades .I try to tell them that it was not true but hey didn't listen.the leaded took my wrist and hold it so tightly that it's bruised."
She showed us her wrist.

We were so angry.
Then she continued."after that ther leave and I went to library and five boys in which three were seniors cornered me. First they were talking nicely.but after some time they laso start to Say bad try to touch my waist but I slappy him .the. They got angry and one of them said that ' we should kidnape her and then rap her her father will gives us good money for extortion.' then suddenly our librereon came so they run away and I hurriedly went to our car and came home." The she Brock down again.

I was furious .my baby went through this.and I didn't know.

Then she said " papa belive me I never did anything wrong .I never seduce anyone.i have worked hard for my grades .you know that right?"she asked Benjamin hopfully.

And he rushed to her side and hugged her.

"Of course baby. I believe you. You are my pure and divine daughter.those are just jealous people who were not happy with your never think low of me.even God himself say this to me I will not believe him.because I know my wipe your tears .those lowlife people don't deserve those precious tears. Now you go freshen up and I will send snaks for you a d dint think of that. That was past this freaks will never hurt you again this is my promise."he kissed her forehead .

Then all her brother spand some time togather and brighten up her mood.

After some time she was yoawnig so we left her to sleep.of course she would get tired .all crying took troll on her.

We all come out from her room and Laura close the door. Banjimin said "everyone come to my Office."

And we went there.

When we reached there we all let out our beasts outside.

Even Angelina and Laura was furious.

We all were crashing all things and screaming why we let that happen to our amara.

Thank hod office was sound proof.

After one hour we calm down we looked at each other.

"I have got the footage." Henry said.

He start the footage on the big screen and it started.we can hear all the sound.

After two hours we finish everything and looked at each other to start planning.

Alexander,me and Mariano send all the photos of those motherfuckers to our directives

And we plane evrything .and it was time for launch.

Me and Mariano argued on who will wake amara up.
In the end I won.

I went to my baby's room and set on her bed.

She was sleeping like baby who was tired of all Playing and crying.
I carres her hair and cheak.

I so badly want to kiss her but with everything in my power I settled on pack on her cheak.

When we will get married I will lock her in my  room.

Even sun light will have to take my permission to touch her.

I will give her everything anything but freedom.

She will always will be in front of my eyes.

And I will kill everyone who will try to take her away from me.

And will torture evryone who will try to hurt her .

Like I will to this girls and boys who were cause of my baby's tears.

Hello my beautiful readers, I hope you all are safe and sound .I will update time to time.i have request for you guys.plaes don't be silent readers even  if i made any mistakes please tell and I will try to correct it.

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