Chapter 40

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The smell of the medicines and the beeping sound of a heartbeat woke Semi up. Unlike before, she could see where she was. She was first greeted by the white ceiling of a hospital room and she move her eyeballs since it was difficult for to move her entire head.

Someone knock on the door and she later hear the person curse, more like at himself and enter the room. 'She is unconcious and here I am knocking on her door, I'm an idiot'

"You have always been an idiot",
Semi's voice was small and she chuckle which shook the boy as he whip his head towards her and widen his eyes.

"Shit! You're awake?!"

He panic and run back and forth not knowing what to do until Semi spoke up with her hoarse voice again.

"Yunho sweetie, stop panicking and will you get the doctor for me?"

"Oh yeah YEAH! You're a genius, I'll be wait no- we'll be right back"

He stumble off the room and Semi laugh at his disappearing state, she breathe out and watch the ceiling again. She dont know what happened back there but she's glad she survived. It has always been her goal to survive funny how God always spare her in her worst state.

The doctor came back later with a nurse, and a group of boys piling their way in while pushing each other like a small kids.

"How's your eyes?",
The doctor asked first thing after checking her pulse and blood pressure.

"I guess good now that I can see again"

"You're very lucky nothing serious happened to you. One could go blind because of that chemical they apply on your face. If you take your medicine and drop this eye tone daily, you'll be back like brand new".

The doctor and nurse went out after stating all of her conditions which doesnt seem very serious like they were all afraid it to be.

A total of 7 boys which some of them arent even familiar to Semi were flooding in her room and she shifted uncomfortably. Seonghwa came forward and pat her hair lightly before taking her hands in his. He sit on the chair next to her bed and smile proudly at her.

"Dont give me that smile Park, you were almost late",
She pretend to sulk, a rare view they barely see especially Hongjoong. He has been with her for more than a year, call her his girlfriend but never got those puppy eyes of her. He wondered how much Hana had been hiding and faking her emotions and it hurted him all over again.

"Okay people, now that she is awake you can all go back to your work. I'm particularly taking about you two"
San says as he eye both Yunho and Yeosang who complains saying they wanted to stay longer but eventually left to return to their work.

San clears his throat trying to get Semi's attention and it reminds her of what actually happened, she was curious.

"I figure you are in no condition to continue your case so I'm going to do the honor for you. No need to thank me sweetie and yes you're welcome",
he quickly blabber making everyone in the room speechless until Seonghwa cleared his throat.
"What he says is that he will continue to take care of Hana's case for you"

Semi's face fell and look like she's regretting it.
"But isnt Eunhye dead?",
She refer to the loud bang she heard before she fell unconcious.

"No she didnt! Hongjoong is skilled enough to shot her hands from swinging that rod at you",
Seonghwa snicker at Semi teasingly as she roll her eyes at him. For an instant, she caught Hongjoong staring at her and she quickly look away.

"But we still dont have an eye witness and she wont be able to receive the punishment she deserves...",
Semi says sadly and look everywhere but San who looks too relaxed. Now she understand a bit when Hongjoong gets mad at her for being too relaxed when Wooyoung suffer in prison. But the condition is clearly different here.

"I'm hurt how you still dont believe me even after all these years",
San acts sad and put his hands in his chest.

"We have an eye witness",
Semi look up and widen her eyes,
"W-who?", she stammered, half confuse, half excited.


She didnt expect the deep voice and tall man to utter a word for the first time after not seeing him for more than 10 years.

Declaration - Kim HongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now