Chapter 10

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Hana was relieve off her schedule in the cafe until she finally healed and she couldnt be more than happy to her boss Hyunmin for understanding her state.

She was making her way to eat lunch on the school's bleacher. She sat on the steps and eat her bread which she rarely did. Eversice San comforted her, it was like she found herself getting more brave again.

But that doesnt mean she wants to hang out with him. San had forced her many times to join him but she didnt want to. First, she did not want to be seen with him by anyone to raise more rumors. Second, she dont want to have anything to do with the male species again, he could just protect her from the side when she is bullied again and thats all she ever wanted.

She was silently eating her food when she saw Hongjoong and Eunhye taking a walk around the school's playfield, holding hands. It still hurted Hana with the fact that she never stopped loving him even if he did. He was her only first and last love and he will always be.

They stopped walking and when Hongjoong sees that Hana was sitting on the stairs, he pulled Eunhye to him and kissed every part of her face.

Hana was disgusted and she ran off. She was sure he saw her and he did it on purpose. She pushed everyone out of her way again and enters the washroom. She open one stall and throw out everything she ate there. She heard footstep following her and just when she thought she would be grabbed by the hair again, it was a soothing hand that rubbed her back.

"Are you okay?"
Hana could make out that the voice belongs to Seonghwa. She stop puking and clean herself and mouth before widening her eyes,
"You cant be here Seonghwa, this is a girls' washroom!"

"Are you okay?"

Seonghwa doesnt seems to care what she said and ask her the same question again but Hana was still panicking.
"I'm fine! Get out now, I'll come out in a minute"
Seonghwa finally nodded and went outside.

It was after school when Hana feels herself getting dragged somewhere again. It was grabbing her left wrist which was currently on the process of healing and she cant help but yelp in pain.

The person stopped and turns around to face her with the deadliest glare he ever shown.

"So you are not only going after one of my friends but the others too? I cant believe I ever loved you, you are more disgusting than what my friends told me"
"Kim Hongjoong!"
"What? Because I did not love you anymore and that you cannot play with me now, started seducing Mingi right in front of my eyes..."
"Since he rejected you, you started it on my bestfriend Seonghwa...and San too? What a shameless whore you are!"
"Do you even loved me in the first place? Do you even have the slightest trust on me? Do you ever wonder why am I afraid to hangout with you? Do you ever realized how much I've been hurting"

"Stop your nonsen..."

"I love you so much Kim Hongjoong, more than anything in this world. I love you so much to the core that I pretend to act like someone I am not. Someone cheerful and lovely, who hides all of her pains behind her sleeves. I love you so much that loving you was the only thing that keeps me going on with my life. I would yearn for your love when I tried to follow my mom on the heaven but I know what it feels like to lose a loved ones so I tried to stay strong. I thought you loved me back that I dont want to disappear because I thought that would hurt you. I thought you loved me too"


"But I'm okay now Hongjoong. I never hoped to get the love back as much as I've given. I am just grateful to have you once in my life. I will leave you alone for now. I will disappear from your life forever. But I want you to know that I will always love you...

...since that is the only thing keeping me alive"

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