The Prince of the Blood - 2x07 - Francis + Lola

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Prompt - Also, one where Lola actually does what Francis asked when it came to framing Narcisse


"What happened?" Francis gasps out, as Lola rushes into his study. Of course, nobles would talk of such an encounter by rumoured mistress and rumoured master, given Lola's court reputation and slander, but they couldn't worry of such an insignificant matter right now. "Did you do it?" he asks as the woman comes closer.

"I did." she reveals. "He began to get suspicious, however, I drew him into a flirtation of ours, and he seemed distracted by it, long enough for me to hide it. It was behind a painting, but it was too obvious, he found me standing there. He-he left me in the bath, it's behind a storage unit where he keeps the bronze jugs used for collecting bath water." she reveals.

Francis smiles for her, not in the way that he smiles at Mary, nowhere near that smile, but he smiles happily all the same. "Thank you, thank you." he says breathlessly, giving her a quick embrace.

"It's alright, besides, you're the King of Scotland. I couldn't refuse an order from you." she says. "Will you tell me what was inside the letter?"

"I cannot." he says. "Not yet. All I can say is that Narciesse threatens the safety of the relm, her people, our son." he accentuated. "I cannot let it stand." he says it in a way that shuts Lola up of any questions she may wish to speak of.

She nods silently. "You will keep our son safe with this letter?" Nobody, not Narciesse, could ever dissuade her from a path that would keep her Jean-Philippe safe from threat.

"I will. I swear it."


"Lords and Ladies of France, we are gathered here today to witness the execution of a traitor to France. To witness the death of a man who would willingly bow to a foreign enemy to France and the people of France, who would sacrifice the safety of his own country for his own benefit. Bring out the prisoner!" the herald cried out. Soon, the wooden doors of traitors gate opened and out walked Stephane Narciesse, dressed in his smalls, barefoot, bound behind the back by the wrists with thick rope.

"Lord Stephane Narciesse, you admit that you willingly consorted with an enemy of France, the English Queen, for your own personal needs? You admit that you used a cipher to convey secret messages to an enemy of the great land of the French, to divulge secrets of the royal court for the benefit of England?" the herald stated. Stephane said nothing, simply looked over towards the King of France. Their eyes locked. Francis' jaw locked in response.

"You are guilty of high treason against our sovereign King, King Francis II of the house of Valois, King Regnant of France, King Consort of Scotland and it's isles. Do you have any last words as you stand before your King and your God?"

"Everything I did, I did for the good of France." he simply stated. Francis glared deeper at the man, watching with perverse pleasure as he was gripped by the back of his neck and forced to kneel before the block.

Narciesse was shoved forwards to lean over the block. "Death to the enemies of the King!"

The axe rose. And then the axe fell.

The crowd gasped as Narciesse's head fell from his body, falling into an old wooden bucket. Francis exhaled slowly at the sight, a weight being lifted from his shoulders. His back straightened as the executioner picked up the man's head and held it high.

"Death to the enemies of the King! Death to the enemies of the King! Death to the enemies of the King!"


Really, really short, I know. I couldn't think of what else to write for it. Hope you enjoyed it! Give me some feedback and comments in the comments section please!

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