The Consumation - 1x13 - Mary + Lola (Greer, Kenna, Francis)

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"Ah, here it is." Greer smiles, fingering a cream piece that lay limply in her hand. Her Queen gave her a soft smile, a thin hand coming up to gently stroke the soft material. Kenna noted how tired Mary appeared, but chose to say nothing. "My mother had it packed deep in one of my trunks." the blonde woman finished with a little flurish, extending the piece of flimsy material out to Mary a little, before pulling it back the few inches she had pulled it out.

"Well, it's beautiful," Mary states. "But will it be warm enough?" she asks, stealing a glace to the floor to ceiling windows, that showed her the show covered outdoors of French Court's castle grounds.

"This isn't for your journey to the chapel." the Seton heiress chuckles. It's a tired chuckle, not a friendly one. Mary glanced into the dark orbs of her Lady, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "It's for you to cover your face as you and Bash stand before God and profess your love." she rolls her eyes dramatically. Mary flushed and looked to the ground quietly, her eyes shooting down to her skirts and her shoes. They had several long conversations about this, and her Ladies knew her reasoning for doing all of this. From the corner of her eye, Greer spots a figuring entering the castle.

"Is that Lola?" she asks loudly, her brow furrowed in confusion. The corners of her plump mouth dip considerably, and a crease appears on her brow. Mary turns and sure enough, her cousin walks quickly down the isle, flipping her inexpensive cape from off of her shoulders, bending it over a forearm. Briefly, she wonders where this hideous gown Lola was wearing came from, since she only intended to leave for a few hours yesterday, and the flowery thing she had chosen to adorn her body with had proven a mile better to look at, rather than this cheap thing she was wearing now. Mary looked her over, her hair was an absolute mess, makeup smeared and patchy in places. Her skin glowed with something that wasn't that hard to acknowledge, now that the Queen of Scotland was firmilar with the pleasures of the flesh. She seemed different, more confident and ignorant to the world than usual. Mary frowned, something was off. She didn't like the aura that the woman was giving off. When Lola comes close enough, Mary can smell the putrid scent of stale sweat on her Lady's skin, and takes a small step back to avoid it as much as possible. 

Kenna turns around and looks as well. She glanced at Mary, and her fellow distant relation seemed to know what her Queen was thinking. Lola left yesterday to visit a whore house to pay some money to one of her brothers, and comes back looking awful and stinking of sweat. Had she really been that weak to loose herself after just a few hours in a whore house. 

Seconds later, they see Francis emerge behind her. Mary felt her heart race at his moving figure, bit her lip as she saw those beautiful blonde curls, his impressive pout that she so adored, even after pushing him away for the sake of his life. He looked impressive, like he commanded the attention of that of a King, even though he wore no grandeur clothing. A sleek black ensemble and a sword that Mary recognised as one of the ones he had been working on in their private moments after Count Vincent and just before King Henry came back. He had been acting regent then, along with Catherine. But her love had always made a few hours to devote to her in that time. Weakly, Mary felt the pulses and contractions of pleasure that he had given her, that had changed her whole world and put everything she had ever thought she felt about pleasure to shame. His kisses, his touches, they had set her body alight with love, devotion, desire. Jealously, Mary wondered how many other women had felt his body and his kisses ever since she sent him away, but quickly washed that thought away. He was free now, free like he had always wanted to be. He could take anybody that he liked.

Kenna asks what she thought next. "Why is she with Francis?"

 Mary blinks slowly, trying to decipher why exactly Francis was with Lola of all people. They had never been in each other's company long enough to establish a friendship, had only shared one conversation. And that had been a quick one, just before she kissed Bash whilst drunk, barely anything. They didn't know each other. So, why were they together now?

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