Inquisition - 1x11 - Mary + Francis + Catherine

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(Kinda continuation to the 1x08 rewrite)

Mary gasps in horror as her bath was invaded by the Queen of France. Who did she think she was, barging into her room like that? Wasn't she supposed to be locked up in the dungeons by order of Henry? "Oh, don't overreact." Catherine rolls her eyes. She saunters over, but Mary can see something in her hand. She swallows, reaching over to grab a towel. "The guards are outside the door if you want to shout." The Queen of France continues. "Meanwhile, there's no one to see you in your altogether except me." she finished. Mary frowns. Catherine's ploy against Mary hadn't stopped ever since Mary had agreed to claim the English throne and marry Francis, just like Henry had wished. She had to think logically, Nostradamus' words could hold no more weight than any other man's words. Nobody could see into the future. It was impossible. 

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be-"

"Locked up? Oh, dear Mary, you should know how I operate by now."

The Queen of Scotlands' lips parted as she attempted to try and respond, but she gasped in horror again as Catherine suddenly jerked over towards Mary's steaming bathtub. She threw a white ball into the water. Instantly, the water began to burn at Mary's legs, but before she could scream out, Catherine grabbed a large handful of Mary's not yet bathed locks and jerked the raven strands backwards, a cold blade kissing the tender skin of Mary's throat.

"Don't call out." Catherine hisses into Mary's ear.

"This is madness." Mary tries, cringing at the feeling of Catherine's bony fingers nearly pulling hair from scalp. The bathwater continued to burn at Mary's torso, but the fumes began to raise up into the air. Mary's eyes clenched shut, trying her best not to inhale air that was surely poisoned.

"A few days ago, I'd have thought so. Now I have no alternative. We both must die." Catherine insisted, shoving her face into the steam, breathing in deeply. Mary frowned, gripping the wrist that held the blade. Hurry, Francis. Mary internally prayed. Hurry. "Henry will kill me for what I've done, if I am doomed to die, let there be fire. At least, I know my death will mean something. Not the whim of a king mad for power, but saving my son from the woman he loves."

"Why are you doing this?" Mary gasped out. "I've known you hated me since I returned, but this is ridiculous." she insisted. "Killing me will turn Francis from you forever."

"I have not hated you. You are aware of the repercussions of your wedding to my son, what you will do to him. I have tried every other measure, this is the final one. I gave you a chance to flee from this marriage, and yet you refuse, knowing what you will someday do to him. Devil child." Catherine hissed into her ear.

"I mean your children no harm. But nobody can know what my future with Francis will entail. Nostradamus' words hold no more weight than any other mans, Catherine. You cannot believe the words of a wizard and trust them over an alliance that will soon bring France empire." Mary tried, but the poison made it hard to talk. Her breath was drawn from her lungs, her body slowly weakening to the point of desperation. "Catherine, you must understand. I have to wed your son. I-I've layen with him many times. I may carry your grandchild inside me, the future King of France. Don't do this."

"I kill you, and ensure that you can never be the cause of Francis's death." Catherine hissed, as if Mary had never spoken in the first place. She coughs, then, telling the regnant Queen that she wasn't the only one feeling the effects of the poison. "It's the best legacy that I can offer." Catherine moans into her ear. She starts gasping for air, Mary's eyes beginning to close, she could feel her body starting to weaken. No. No. Her mind cried out. Francis, hurry, please. Hurry. She begged silently. "I hope you'll excuse the choice of poison. I know death takes a bit longer. But I didn't want to be cruel." Mary tried to drag in air, but it was nearly impossible. Please, Francis. Save me. "I promise that you'll feel no pain." With that, Catherine collapses onto the floor and Mary's body slides into the water. Her eyes remain open, her chest no longer moving. Francis. Her mind cried out, willing her body to move. It did nothing. Francis, please. Her mind begs, willing his return. He had saved her once from his mother's poison once before, now she begged him to do it a second time. Her first attempt may have paused the wedding, but this one could downright stop it. Please, Francis, save me. Her mind wheezes, slowing, just like her body. Her vision slowly faded to black. I'm sorry, Francis.

In the back of her mind, Mary is aware of the door knocking and her guards yelling from behind it. "Who goes there? Your Grace?!" he yells. "Open the door now!" he yells. But Mary can't. She can't. "Open the door!"

She hears knocks and bangs. It's no use. Her eyes begin to close, before she sees the candles all suddenly be blown out at once. Her eyes shut, barely able to hear the rushed footsteps banging hard against the stone flooring. She's about to give up when firmilar hands plunge into the water and grasp at her biceps. They're large and warm, she can feel wet velvet and suede skim against her bare skin, gently kissing it, as the hands grasp at her tightly to get a grip of her slippery body. She's forced up out of the water. As her skin makes contact with the cold air, Mary's eyes snap open  and she takes in a massive inhale of clean air. She turns to her saviour, seeing blonde curls as she's lifted out of the water and clutched against a warm, substantial body. Francis.

"Mary." he had stated after slamming the door open with his shoulder. Mary starts panting for air, coughing up all the water from her lungs and chest as Francis clutches her close, her body hidden with his own from the guards that tug and rip at Catherine. "Mary. Are you all right? What happened?" he asks, reaching for a large towel to cover her body as the King of France storms into the room, looking bewildered, as his heir clutches his betrothed -who is dripping wet and gasping for air- to his chest. He looks down at his wife as she's jerked from the floor and to her feet. Catherine is coughing harshly, before she is restrained by the guards he had assigned for Mary's personal protection.

Coughing, Mary answers her husband, her voice quiet. "C-Catherine tried to kill me." she stutters, holding Francis closer to her as she's mashed to his front. The Dauphin's arms are bound tightly around her waist with bruising force, whilst his future wife buries her face into Francis' chest. 

"Take her away." Francis looks up from resting his forehead to hers. Francis' eyes are ablaze, so large and incensed that even his father is intimidated by the young man who is quickly becoming a King. "Chain her up like the animal she is!" Francis yells, holding Mary tightly to him, so tight that not even Catherine's poisonous clutches cannot take her away.


I know I've not changed much about this one, but I've always wanted to see Francis and Bash swap places in that scene, to see how angry he truly could be at his mother for daring to harm the woman he loved the most. Not like his reaction in 1x02 (I think) but as a true spectator to Catherine's crimes against Mary. I've always wanted to see that, but I guess this is the closet we're gonna get to it! Also, why didn't Mary say that she'd been sleeping with Francis and there was a chance she could be pregnant in that debarkle, I'm sure Catherine would have changed her mind after hearing there was a chance that Mary could be carrying her sons child. And Francis, too, in the events of 1x09, why didn't he say that he'd taken Mary's virtue? Then she'd have to marry him, she wouldn't have a choice in the matter, stupid writers >:(

Anywhoo, I think this is the last update for now, keep an eye out for 'Neverum'!

Stay safe out there, the world is a scary place right now




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