Take my past and take my sins like empty sails take the wind

Start from the beginning

"Grams probably shared some of her magic with them too- why would they need me or my magic"
"Something must have happened. Sheila wouldn't do something to jeoperdize you?!"-Damon said.

"No, but you know what I am thinking...maybe my mum had something to do with it!"-Bonnie uttered.
"Well, let's track  Abby down then"-Damon said resolved.

Bonnie's phone rang and she picked it up reluctantly.

"Hey, Caroline?!"- she muttered- "no...yes...then I met Damon...and...he helped me get an apartment- so...yes...no...ok..."- Bonnie now shared the address of the apartment.

"They are coming here!"- Damon said somewhat pissed off.

"I couldn't tell them no. You heard her."- Bonnie kind of apologized.

"Don't worry. I know how tight you are."- Damon stood up.

It was obvious that both of them wished that the phone call didn't happen.

"I'll see you later."- Damon said as he was about to leave.

"Damon..."- Bonnie got up now too looking at him trying to convey that she hated that things seem to always twist themselves.

"Now that we are here again- with all of them...this is mad"-he started turning away.

"You want to be over there?!"- Bonnie uttered- "it's like we are always wishing for the craziest opposite things."

"Yeah."- Damon said- "I'll hang with Stefan. This IS your apartment!"- he said smiling a bit.

"You will come for breakfast?!"- she then slipped.

"Of course..."- he said and walked out. His heart sinking a bit.

Bonnie slumped on the chair. She was back for a day or two and everything she thought about in the 1994 prison of Mystic Falls, the way she would enjoy being back and party with her friends and forget for a long while all that had happened. That she would just throw it away. And her friends were friends, they were happy to see her, they made her welcome, but all they talked about, she wasn't interested in. And she felt bad about it. She felt guilty. She thought of Elena and the fact that she had compelled herself to feel better.

"Why??"- she said angrily, putting the dishes away and tidying the table.

Then she heard Elena and Caroline at the door, and opened it. They inspected the place and wanted to know how it came about that Damon helped her get the apartment.

"You are like real buddies now?!"- Caroline teased her.

"I spent four months with him- day in, day out."

"I thought you would kill him eventually. The way you were always bickering-you could have asked us"- Elena said.

"We...met cos we discussed Kai."- Bonnie said.

"Isn't that kind of done?!"- Caroline said.

"Not really"- Bonnie said now sharing some of the story about Kai and his sisters.


In a bar, Stefan walked over to where Damon was sitting.

"Want to get drunk?"- Damon suggested.

"Sorry, I am late. It was that bad,ha?"

"Nope. Actually it was. I don't know what it was."- Damon said.

Stefan sat down and poured himself a glass of bourbon.

"I am in love with her."- Damon said and he realized it was the first time he voiced it out- "I am in love with Bonnie!!"

Stefan took a sip of the drink.

"But she doesn't feel the same way!"- Stefan said.

"I don't know how she feels"- Damon said.

"How about telling her?!"

"Now there is a genius thing to say!"- Damon snarked.

"I saw you, Damon. In the ambulance-  I know Bonnie. I've never seen her look at you the way she did before."

Damon poured himself another glass of the whiskey.

"Getting drunk will not make it go away."- Stefan said.

"I don't want it to go away...and I am doing it again! I actually feel good."- Damon shoved the glass away.

"Now you are not making sense."- Stefan said.

"I am going to wait till they do their girly thing and then I am going over to the apartment and I will tell her!"- Damon said.

He got up and before Stefan could say anything to it, Damon was out of the door.

"Damon and Bonnie- who would have thought!"- Stefan muttered sipping down the drink.

When he got to the apartment, none of them was there.

"What are you doing, Damon?!"- he said to himself- "yeah, she will run into your arms and kiss you and all will be...peachy!AHHHH!!"-he screamed in frustration-"dream on."

Impulsive as his nature was, he went out of the apartment in a storm. He was already half a block away when he saw her walking towards him with some shopping.

He stood still as if he was hit by an arrow and waited.

"You're back."- she said- "Stefan ditched you?!"

"It was...huh...me kinda ditching him."- Damon said and there was that clumsiness he had never felt before.

"Help me with this then."- she passed him the bag with goodies.

He followed her back to the apartment.

"Elena? Caroline?"- he said.

"They had to go back to the dorms"- Bonnie said simply.

"The college social life takes a lot of their time lately."- he said.

"I've noticed. They really got into it."- Bonnie remarked.

They got into the apartment.

"Look..."- Bonnie then said- " I know this is kind of my apartment...but you can stay. I bet there is a channel with old movies."- she could feel a strange awkwardness arising.

"I can't do this."- Damon then said.

"Why Damon, what are you afraid of?!!"- Bonnie looked at him with the look that said-I-know- how-it-feels-and-I-feel-the-same.

He closed the gap between them  now and kissed her.

Take my mind and take my pain
Like an empty bottle takes the rain
And heal.

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