vi: daddy duties

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Severus made his way towards the Slytherin Common Room with long strides. It was one of the few things in his Head of House duties that he actually enjoyed.

"Agored," Severus spoke towards Melusina, the water goddess that guarded the Slytherin lair. She gracefully swam in her portrait waters and raised a hand, revealing the Common Room.

Before every school year started, Severus would meticulously instruct the Hogwarts elves to clean and sometimes, redecorate the Common Room. Contrary to how the rest of the studentry would picture out the Slytherin Common Room, it wasn't a dark, dank place. It was, actually, homely, and having someone as careful in detail such as Severus, it was only to result to an ornate space.

For this term, the school had installed a small study space for students in each House.

It had personal tables and chairs, individually divided by barriers. With the addition of new Slytherins, the room also added a few more tables and chairs. Each table and chair was made of deep, dark mahogany, heavily lacquered to perfection. There were drawers on each desk, along with inkpots spelled to keep from drying and spilling. The Headmaster had outdone himself with ordering customised desks, with each magically etching the names of the occupants. It could also work as a locker of sorts, and bibliophilic teachers like Severus and Flitwick took much pleasure in the Headmaster's initiative.

But like every Head of House, Snape also took it within himself to tailor the study space to the needs of the students in his care.

Severus had spent a few hours installing a mini-library and a small pantry for his students. Some upper years had asked for such during one of the House meetings last year. Severus obliged, knowing that a conducive study environment was also a must if they were to make sure each student would be motivated to do their best. Having a space like so for his Slytherins, Snape was holding them in high regard this year. There was to be no room for failure or shoddy study habits. He had done his part in ensuring the children had everything they needed; it was only fair for them to do their part.

As Snape entered the Slytherin den, his incumbent Prefect, Iann Verona, welcomed him. He nodded to the boy. Beside him was that year's Head Girl, Helena Wellington, who was also a prior prefect. Both were in Seventh Year. The two new prefects were also there, bearing their badges with pride. One of them was Iara Verona, Iann's younger sister, who was a Fifth Year and the Slytherin Seeker.

The other Slytherins were casually waiting for their Head as he strode inside and faced them. Severus held an impassive look as he surveyed them. Thankfully, his own son was among the crowd and not anywhere else.

Once again, Severus began his annual welcoming speech, but this time put emphasis on 'making one's self unavailable to trouble,' lazily making his dark eyes wander and landing them on his own child. The boy grimaced at his father's sharp gaze, but there was a huge amount of regret in his emerald eyes.

As Severus finished instructing his charges, he called on Harry to remain. The boy obeyed without question, and went over to his father. The boy's friends offered him a few sympathy taps, with Hermione squeezing his hand before heading off to the girls' dorms. Severus waved a wand to cast a Muffliato to keep away stray ears. He then kneeled to be on level with Harry, who was becoming more and more pale by each passing second.

"Brandon Hadrian, I trusted you to be responsible," Severus began, eager to lecture his child. Oh, when will the boy learn to keep himself out of some adventure?

"I trusted you well enough. You have a well-sized brain imbedded upon your thick skull. Your academic outputs say so," Severus continuously berated. "You have proven yourself capable of a sound decision, Harry. But tonight, you've been foolish. What made you act on impulse and not on rationality?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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