I had forgotten that our school's best party thrower had found another reason to throw a party. It was a reunion one, as a tribute to all of our classmates going different places. Mia had sent personal invitations to every person--how she got my number was beyond me--and Jay insisted we go. 

"Yeah," I said shortly, hoping against gods that he would take the clue and see that I wanted to be left alone. 

"Do you have a date?" he asked and I could see the next question on the tip of his tongue. 


"Is it Jay?"

"Yes," I drawled. 

"Ali, he can't be considered a date," Ashton said as he splayed his palms flat on the counter and leaned forward, instantly making me lean back. 

"Why the fuck not?" I crossed my arms, not caring that I was being rude. 

"Because you have to bring a boy that's not your best friend," he stated as if that explained everything. I set my lips together in a firm line and softly blew through my nose. 

"Wow, queerphobic much, Ashton?" 

His eyes widened as he realized what his words could be interpreted as. Everyone at school knew I identified as queer. I had outed myself accidentally, after all. It was just another infamous stories about Aliyah West. 

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed. "That is not what I meant, Aliyah. I just meant a person by boy, you know? Someone who is not your best friend," he hustled to explain and this time I didn't hold from rolling my eyes. "Can that someone be me?" 

"No, Ashton," I replied, a tight smile on my face. 

The bell dinged again and my eyes instantly shot to the door. I tuned out whatever Ashton was saying as I focused on Noah, who was quick to sought my gaze. My frown turned upside down and a smile flitted to my face. Ashton was still blabbering as Noah dropped my gaze when he walked to the back of the kitchen. He swung to the other side but Ashton didn't notice him. 

"Why would you want to go alone? Don't you want a nice date?" he whined and I snapped. I had enough of him for the day and my patience was running low. It had been for quite some time now. 

"Noah is my date," I blurted and for a few seconds, all three of us froze. 

Both Noah and Ashton chorused "What?" together. It was a surprise I didn't. 

"Yeah, he's my date to the party. Now, if you'll like to waste my time, you can fuck off or if you want to order, please do so quickly." 

Ashton seemed at loss of words as his eyes darted between Noah--who looked like a deer caught in headlights--and me. I smiled at Ashton strainfully as I waited for him to make a choice. Thankfully, he wasn't around to stick as he pushed himself off the counter. "Alright then, good day, Aliyah." 

Once he had left and Noah questioned me what was that, did everything sink in. It took everything in me not to punch myself in the face. The 'what the fuck did I do' phase began and I pinched my nose. 

I had avoided him and ran out on Noah and when I finally did not avoid him, I pretended he was my date. Gods, how much more of a mess could I be. 

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