The Wild! Nosei Jr. High!!

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They both look at Tenma.

Tenma: Do you guys wanted to master this move? If you wanted, then keep up the training.

Kaminari: Yes, sir!

Yuuya: Anyway, why is this move like making us spin like the move of Fire Tornado?

Kaminari: It's because this is the move that Coach make together with Tsurugi Kyousuke.

Yuuya: The one that Coach make with him? *snapped* Could it be it was that move...?

Tenma: Right. I was teaching you two that hissatsu technique.

Yuuya: Coach, if it was that hissatsu technique, aren't Homura is fit for it?

Tenma: Yes. Homura does can use that move because she able to use Fire Tornado.

Yuuya: So why me?

Tenma: If we in a pinch like Homura didn't play or get injured, we still have you. Unlike others, Kaminari and you have the top of using a combo hissatsu just like the Kagami brothers.

Yuuya: I see.

Kaminari: It still going to be tough. I can jump high but Yuuya isn't really good in jumping high.

Yuuya: Well, thank you for that. You still know how to insult someone.

Kaminari: Well, I was born like that. Let's continue our training.

Yuuya: Sure, Captain.

They continue their training to use Fire Tornado at the same time. Tenma change his look to the others that are training really hard to they. Then Tenma turn back to look at Kaminari and Yuuya.

Tenma(In mind): Kaminari, why didn't you use your fullest ability?

(Time Skip)

Tenma told the others to practice a little longer while he told Kaminari and Yuuya to went home early to get some rest for the match.

At Rairaiken...

Rairaiken is a local restaurant where Raimon soccer team always went to get something to eat like fried rice and ramen. Kaminari and Yuuya sit at the bar like table.

Kaminari: I wonder why did Coach told us to get some rest this early?

Yuuya: Maybe because we're the main players for the match against Nosei Jr. High. They are tough team, after all.

Kaminari: I wonder if we able to complete this technique in time. The match between us and Nosei is in three more days.

Yuuya: Let's just hope that we complete it in time.

???: Here's your ramen, and fried rice.

They look in front of them and the chef, Tobitaka, the former member of Inazuma Japan, serve the food. Yuuya order ramen while Kaminari order fried rice.

Kaminari: Thanks, Tobitaka-san.

Yuuya: Looks delicious like always.

Tobitaka: You two works really hard in the team. I watch the match between Raimon and Tengawara, it was a great match.

Kaminari: It thanks to Yuuya for scoring the first goal. Also, Shinji able to summon his Keshin and his pass let me score the goal for Raimon.

Tobitaka: When your age, joining the Inazuma Japan is the most nervous time in my life. I never expected that I could be use full in the team.

Yuuya: Every of us in the team also think like that when we were chosen to be in Raimon soccer team.

Tobitaka: The next opponent is Nosei, right? Good luck in that match.

Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no Soccer Damashi Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu