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"What were you doing out with Echo?!" Holly demands, slamming her hands on my desk Monday morning. She looks absolutely livid; I can't even meet her eyes. "Look at me, you coward! What were you doing out there?"

"I was just-"

"Cade. You know I-"

"Woah, woah, what's going on?" Echo approaches us, holding his hands out. "Everything alright?"

Holly grins, suddenly changing her demeanor as she faces Echo. "Hi, Echo. I was just telling Cade all about my wonderful weekend. Did you do anything fun?"

"Well, I helped Cade with her homework, but that's about it."

"I see." I can feel Holly's jealousy rise and I stare down at my desk. I made a huge mistake, and there's no way Holly is gonna forgive me for this one. Hanging out (especially one on one) with your best friends crush is a big no-no in girl code, I've recently found out. I'm not exactly well versed in girl code. Bro Code, on the other hand...I'm pretty good with that.

I draw a line on my notebook, shading whatever with my pencil. I never was very artistic, but I felt the need to just draw something on my notebook paper to distract from Holly and Echo talking. I was not in love with Echo; not even close! Holly was assuming too much of me, especially for being the one who accused me of being a lesbian not too long ago.  

Which I'm not, by the way. Definitely straight here.

"You okay?" Echo asks, looking at me. I glance up to see Holly had left the room - likely stormed out in a rage. My attention turns back to my notebook and I shrug.

"I guess. Dude, Holly is literally obsessed with you. You're all she talks about."

"Yeah, I know. It's weird."

"And annoying. And here I thought a smaller town would be less drama."

Echo laughs. "Please, with the people here in Comrado, it's all drama. You won't be able to escape it."

"I'll do my best."


Sixth grade came to an end in May, and I knew I was going to miss it. Over those few months I had actually become friends with some of my peers, specifically some boys I had run into at the skate park. Actually, I'd been texting a few of them and they'd been texting back. Unfortunately, a few of them are dimmer than I am, and that's saying something.

My phone buzzes with a text as I'm leaving the school building for the last time until August, though the contact isn't who I expected it to be.

Holly: I need to talk to you. Big Problem.

What in the world could that be about? My brain immediately jumps to the drastic conclusion that Holly could be moving away. She'd move somewhere crazy like Paris or Versailles. In my opinion, people who are from there are typically rude and bigoted. Now I'm not saying Holly is rude and bigoted, but I kind of am. 

Me: i'll meet you outside

Holly: No. Just call me

Call? Who calls nowadays? Even so, I press the call button on Holly's contact, holding the phone to my ear. It rings three times before Holly picks up.

"Hey," she says, not sounding at all like her upbeat and energetic self.

"What's going on?" I ask, leaning against the school wall. I fold my skateboard under my arm, bracing my foot against the bricks behind me. There are a few other people around, but I don't yet see my brother.

"So this year is coming to an end, and I've made a decision." Holly didn't quite sound remorseful. It was almost like her bratty side was showing through. "And I've decided I don't want you to be my friend anymore."

"Excuse me?" No other words could escape my mouth. Holly just..friend dumped me? I stare in shock out at the other students, adjusting my hold on my skateboard. 

"It's nothing personal, but you're kind of a loser, even in Comrado." She giggles and I scowl as she continues. "I made the cheer team next year, and the other girls would never be around someone like you. So awkward, odd, you know-"

"Yeah, whatever. Bye." I hang up my phone, taking a deep breath and skating off down the sidewalk. At this point, I didn't want to wait for Aki; he could get home on his own, anyway. He doesn't need me. And I don't need him. I don't need anyone, especially not Holly or her stupid cheer squad. 

Tears bite the corners of my eyes, though I tell myself it's the wind blowing past my face as I race down the streets. I never should have trusted anyone at Comrado. I never should've come to Comrado in the first place. I could've survived in Dalys, Montana. Survived, with physical bruises to show my pain. No one can see my emotional pain unless I trust them. 



I shoot my foot out to the pavement to stop my advancement, feeling it bounce before the wheels stop. Aki's breathing is fast and shallow as he jogs up to me.

"Cade, what's going on?"

"Nothing." I don't turn to face him yet, staring at the building across the street rather than let him see my puffy eyes straight on. I just want to be alone, but I know Aki is not about to let that happen.

"Well clearly it's something. I've never seen you skate away that fast."

"Maybe I'm just excited that school's over. Like any other kid. Like you, right?"

"I..guess so."

"Let's just go home. I don't want to be anywhere near that school."

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