Chapter Two

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"See ya later, Violet," I say after drinking my cup of hot chocolate. The sweet taste still lingers in my mouth as I leave and think of what to do. I'm bored and Nova keeps pestering me. 'Well, then, tell me what to do!' I screech inside my head.

'We could always go for a walk', she suggests.

'Just a walk? No run?" I reply chuckling to myself. Usually Nova loves run wild and free in the woods. I have a feeling that she would permanently be a wolf if she could. If she was asking for a walk, that meant she wanted me to skateboard. Which meant that I had to go down to the nearest skateboard store to buy a new one since the lost my other one.
I'm pretty sure that there are invisible turtles stalking me. Aren't they always? That's why I tripped right outside the skateboard store and fell face first. Well, almost. And that explains why I'm here in this guy's arms. His hazel green eyes are currently in lock with my own brown ones. Just with one look, I know he's the jock type.

"Ummmm," I say as I step back up. Awkward much?

"Hey, beautiful," he says with a smirk.

I pull away. "Shut up, dirtface," I mutter.

He feigns hurt and stares back at his little gang. For a second, a small hint passes through my mind and I take a small whiff of the air. Werewolves.

"The name's Alen. Awww, come on what's your name?" he askes in a sorry excuse for an innocent tone.

Rolling my eyes, I answer, "Why would I ever tell you?"

"Cuz I'm awesome?"

"Like that means anything to me."

"Come on, Angel," he pleads and I almost start laughing at the resemblance of the name he said my real one. But he takes this all wrong. "Angel it is then. Hope to see you around."

"I hope not," I grumble before walking to the store.

So I guess this wasn't that bad of a Sunday. I scored a job, found my mate, ran into a jerk, and bought a new skateboard. Well minus the jerk.


I hope you guys liked the second chapter! How are things going to plan out between Alen and Halo??

Remember to comment, vote, and read!

- Navi

Wait, Wolf!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora