iv. narrative.

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Walking around her block at night was one of Nailea's favorite things to do.

This time she was craving a snack. Preferably a chocolate bar. It was only today that she ate three bags of chips. Party size bags.

Something was up with Nailea. She doesn't eat junk food in big amounts in just one day. She eats a lot in small amounts.

Nailea was already on her way to the gas station. Nailea felt moody, her period was probably coming up.

Nailea made her way into an alleyway, which is a shortcut a friend showed her one day.

She uses it to get to the gas station, subway, and more.

"Hey beautiful," Nailea looked at the drunk man, probably twice her age, struggling to stand up. Nailea ignored him and continued walking.

"Aw come on man! Don't walk away baby!" She turned around to see him speeding up. Nailea walked a little faster trying not to look behind her.

"You don't want some of this big dick in you?" He managed to run, as if he was becoming sober. "Leave me alone!" Nailea yelled without turning around.

The drunk actually managed to chase Nailea, putting her in a headlock with his elbow. He put his hand under her hoodie and touched her boobs.

"Somebody help!" Nailea yelled as he began to choke her with his elbow.

Her arms were no use considering the fact that she couldn't feel them anymore. He was really strong for a old man.

Seconds before getting knocked out, the drunk's elbow left her neck.

Nailea tried catching her breath before looking behind. She heard noises, punching noises. "Leave her alone," "F-fine."

Nailea turned around, holding back a tear, to see the drunk with a bruised eye. He was walking away, it looked like he about to collapse. "T-thank you,"

The random boy turned around. "Are you okay?" Nailea ran to him and hugged him. "You saved m-me."

He stood there for a good two seconds before hugging her back.

Even though they were strangers, she wanted to feel safe. If he hasn't come, she would've been in serious danger.

"What's your name?" He separated him from her but slung his arm around her neck, assuring her that she was safe with him.

"Nailea," "Let me walk you back to your place." "Thanks, what's your name?" "Alex," he looked around due to the fact that he didn't know which way to go.

"Which way is your house at?" "Back there." Nailea titled her head.

"How are you feeling? scared?" "A little."

The drunk had mysteriously disappeared. Nailea looked both ways before walking out the alleyway with Alex.

It was empty. There was no sign left of him other than his shattered bottle on the street.

Her neighborhood wasn't considered dangerous, it was actually safe, including the alleyway.

Sometimes, old men would play chess there, cop cars would scope the area, and at night it was bright.

The alleyway was clean, hardly no trash, but wasn't very big.

So for that to happen was definitely unexpected.

"My house is the one with the tree." Nailea pointed at it. Her house was a two bedroom home, she lived with her best friend Mina.

"Where were you heading to?" Alex asked. "The store, I was gonna get myself some snacks." "I think it'd be safer for you to walk with somebody next time."

"I should probably buy a taser. Or remember to bring my phone. Thank god you came. Actually wait, where were you going?"

"Just walking around, my friend Vereena lives right down there," Alex pointed at a house, "Oh I know her! Her sister painted my air forces one time."

"Yeah her older sister's really talented at art."

Alex and Nailea walked to her door and she turned around. "I keep saying thank you, but really, you saved me out there."

"You seem like a nice person, can i get your number?" Alex pulled out his phone from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Sure," Nailea inserted her number and returned his phone.

"Goodnight Nailea," Alex smiled at her. "Goodnight." He turned around and walked away.

Nailea stood there watching him leave, she faced her door and struggled to open it since her hands were shaking a bit.

Alex glanced at her, and let out a smile. He hardly knew her, but wanted to keep her safe, for the rest of his life.

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