Meeting her

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( Charli- is you, other girl - Sarah ^^^)

Jadens POV

I wake up to Sarah and Josh jumping on my bed

"Get up we have school" Josh and Sarah said at the same time damn they really are twins

"Ok ok just get out please so I can put clothes on" I say so they can leave me alone and it worked but I realized I really do need to get up and get dressed and see who my first target is.

We get to the school and holy shit it's big
When we get in all eyes on me good then my thoughts get interrupted when I saw this hot ass girl damn she's fine then my thoughts yet again get interrupted by Josh saying that we were at the office so I went in to get my schedule and the office lady said that some girl was going to give me a tour and I said ok

Y/ns POV

So yesterday I got a text from my dad saying I have to give some new kid a tour so yay a new friend ps my dad is the principal of the school I attend so yea.
So when I get to the office I saw the same boy that wouldn't take his eyes of me in the hallway so I ask him if he was ready for his tour and he said yea he was.
Skip to lunch
I saw that new kid sitting with Josh and Sarah at lunch shit what was his name oh yea Jaden so me and my friend Joslyn make our way over to the table with Josh .

Jadens POV

"Dude this hot ass girl gave me the tour of the school and damn I couldn't keep my eyes off of her" I said telling Josh and Sarah about her when I see her and her friend walking our way "look Josh that's her damn"
Josh looks at her and then back at me mad as hell and tells me
"Nah nah she's off limits she's mine" Josh told me
"Man Josh you just can't flame her like that shit"
"Dude she's my fucking girlfriend so back the fuck off" He said as she got to our table

Y/ns POV

When we get over to the table I hear Josh say " Dude she's my fucking girlfriend so back the fuck off"
Then I hear " Josh don't be rude to the hottie" Me and Josh and Jaden look at Joslyn and she has the odacity to say what
" At least someone thinks I'm hot so what's ur name cutie" Jaden says
Joslyn blushed so hard
"Her name is Joslyn and hey babe" I say to Jaden then to Josh
"Hey babygirl" I blush at his name for me and go and hug Sarah doging Josh's hug wich he didn't like but then I gave him a hug
" So where are you from" I hear Joslyn ask Jaden
" Oh I'm from Texas" Jaden said they seemed to hit it off
During lunch I would catch Jaden looking at me every once in awhile but I didn't care cus I was paying attention to Josh and him talking about football
" So Jaden are you going to play football with Josh" I said surprising everyone around me and myself
"Nah I'm not into sports" Jaden said

Jadens POV
After school me, Josh, and Sarah get in Josh's car and drive back home and when we get there I go to my room followed by Josh
" You better stay away from Y/n u hear me she is mine and mine only I'm not gonna watch her get her heart broken just stay away from her" Josh said as he walked in
"Dude I'm all for her friend Joslyn" I lied
I know how Josh gets when he cares for and they get hurt and I can't blame him I have hurt so many girls hearts but with Y/n it's different I actually want something with her like an actual relationship with her damn I just met her and she has me falling head over heels for her well I'm gonna make her mine if it's the last thing I do

Omg this is so long
What dose Jaden mean if it's the last thing I do?
Do you think Y/n will fall for him?
Well we will see in the next chapter

// Not His Son // Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now