Meeting Lil

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Lillian's POV

When my dad called, I couldn't believe it. We weren't especially close, and aside from funding the majority of my college education, and sharing the trauma of seeing Mom killed, we didn't have anything in common.

He said that there was a murderous stalker after his division of the FBI, the Behavioral Analysis Team or something like that.

He demanded that I come straight 'home' to Virginia. Ha. That place was hardly home before Mom died, and once that whore moved in- Well, let's just say that I wasn't in the house anymore.

When I asked if my room was still empty, he replied that Karol had turned it into a yoga studio and that we were going to be staying at his office building. God, I hate that bitch so much. She was so obviously into my dad only for the house an- WAIT, WE WERE STAYING AT HIS OFFICE???

I immediately called his cell.

"Special Agent Anderson." he answered flatly.


"Lil. I'm in a briefing room. My colleagues can hear you. Please save this until I can call you back. Yes, we are staying at Quantico. It's not safe anywhere else. 3 agents and their families have been slaughtered. I'll have someone pick you up from the airport, Karol needs help moving her clothes." my father stated, interrupting me.

"O-oh, okay. I'll see you in 11 hours, bye dad." I said meekly.

" Love you honey, see you soon."

I heard some muffled voices, and my dad spoke up "Hey Lil, my work friends JJ and Spencer are going to pick you up. I'll text you photos of them. They'll be there when you land."

I wrinkled my nose in disgust, what kind of name was Spencer? That sounded like an old man name, or some weird fat pedophile. JJ, on the other hand, that sounded cool. "Ok. Love you too, bye."

"Bye honey."

As I pondered how JJ and Spencer would look, my phone pinged.

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Holy- wow

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Holy- wow. JJ looked like a badass mom friend, but Spencer? Wow. He was HOT. Really hot.

I needed to continue packing, and stop thirsting after my dad's hot coworker.

At the airport

"Lillian? Hey!" a voice rang out, snapping me out of my post-flight stupor.

As I searched for the source of the sound, someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped a clean 3 feet and turned around. "WHA-"

JJ was nearly on the floor laughing and Spencer was stifling a giggle.

"Oh.... hi. I'm Lillian Anderson, Grant's daughter. But you already knew that, you're JJ and Spencer right?" I fumbled, trying to save myself from further embarrassment.

"Yeah" JJ said, still chuckling.

After we stood around waiting for JJ to catch her breath, Spencer led the way to the SUV and jumped in the driver's side.

JJ winced at the sight and helped me slide my suitcase into the trunk, and slid in beside me in the back.

"Soooooooo. What's it like being Anderson's daughter?" JJ pounced as soon as Spencer pulled out of the parking spot.

"Uhm, well, I don't think I would be the best person to ask. My mom died when I was 15, and my dad and I weren't close to begin with. He married that whore soon after, and I started couch surfing." I stated.

"Who's the whore?" Spencer inquired from the front, I didn't think he was paying attention to us.

"Oh, Karol." I said, my voice dripping with disgust.

"Ah. I take it you'll room with someone else then?"

"What?" I asked, confused.

" Well, you hate your stepmom, and she's sharing a room with your dad, and the rule is one room per family, so who are you gonna room with?" he explained.

"Oh. I don't know"

"I would offer, but I have two kids and a husband with me, and I don't think they'll take too kindly to another body in our cramped room." JJ spoke up, apologetic.

"Oh, that's fine. I can see if anyone wants to room with the astrophysics major once we get there." I quickly said.

"You're an astrophysics major?" Spencer asked, "Where?"

"Oh, CalTech!" I replied excitedly.

"That's so cool, I went there almost 13 years ago!" He replied enthusiastically.

Huh. He didn't look old enough to have graduated college almost 13 years ago.

"Well, since you very clearly don't want to stay with your family, why don't you stay with me? It was going to be just me and my mom, but I managed to get her into a high security room at the Quantico Mental Institution." he said, nearly tripping over the words.

"Okay! Cool" I answered, slightly excited at the prospect of staying with a hottie like him.

I wonder how this is going to go.

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