I placed the flowers over the wet grass. "Hey grandma." I took a heavy breath. "I miss you, so much." 

I could just hear her voice now telling me to go on. She loved to listen and I loved her advice. 

"I met a boy...well he's more of a man with like big scary muscles." No that was wrong. "He's a fallen angel actually. I know I know. What was I thinking? Grandma it's not like I went out to find him. He stalked me and threatens to kill me almost every second of my existence."

I could easily envision her horror expression to my confession. A gasp and a tsk, tsk. 

"Grandma I can't explain it but there's something between us. Like this ridiculous connection. It seems cliché, I know. I've never felt such a strong connection before with anyone. It's sick and twisted and dangerous." 

I was waving my hands about like I was some crazy homeless person talking to myself. 

"I don't know why he wants to kill me though but I think his priorities have changed. He has to feel the same way I do. I mean, come on. Emotions with this strong of passion just can't come from one person." Unless he was a really good actor. 

"Don't be too sure about that." A deep raspy voice said behind me. 

I had to squint my eyes to see through the fog but I could distinguish that voice from any. It was Cal by the tone of it and he sounded dangerously playful.

"Rude much? I'm trying to have a private conversation with my grandma. So leave." I was pissed and not to mention a little embarrassed. 

"Oh I'm sorry. I thought you had finally lost it and was rambling on for no apparent reason." 

Cal's tall figure entered my view and I got a sudden chill. He had that tight leather jacket on and the undeniable mystery factor following him around. 

"Why must we play games?" I was tired of his bipolar mood swings. 

Last night we kissed. We shared a wonderful moment and now he was back to being a jerk face. When was this going to end?

"I thought you like the chase." He inclined leaning on my grandmother's tomb disrespectfully.

"Not when I'm the prey." I stood a little taller to hide my insecurity. "Why are you here Cal?" 

"I wasted too much time already. I think its best I get this over with." He had this evil glow in his eyes. 

It was murderous and totally animalistic. His expression reminded me of a demon's. He was going to kill me and finally do as he kept warning me he would. 

"Why? Why do you want to kill me?" I was frustrated with the mixed emotions. I thought we were getting somewhere other than death. 

He didn't reply and he kept his jaw tight and stern. He was studying me like a science project, wondering if I'd run for my life or not. I was done running. 

I dropped my head for a moment, defeated. "Can you kill me? I know you'll try to deny it but we have something. Something neither of us expected or can explain." 

His conniving lips curved. "Does little Lakey have a crush on me?" 

He mocked he further with a laugh. Urgh. I wasn't making this up. It wasn't all in my head. He was just messing with me like he always did. 

"Stop. Just stop playing and be real with me. I'm the only one here. Tell me how you really feel about me." I demanded like a brat but I had a right to know. He sort of led me on.

"Nothing," he declared with no emotion. "I feel nothing at all." 

I shook my head. "I don't believe you."

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