~•~Was I Ever Good Enough~•~

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Y/n walked down the hall in her torn clothes, her hair was a mess and she reeked of sex. There was still semen all over her body, and her legs were bright red and there would be a few handprints here and there.

The only thing she cleaned up was Alois' room, she figured since she had her own bathroom in her room, she could just clean herself up there.

But she didn't take the other servants into account. They would roam the halls and if they spotted her, of course, they'd ask questions...

But honestly, I doubt they'd even need to, they'd just be able to smell Alois on her.

So when one of the triplets, Timber to be exact, had spotted her, she let out a high pitched 'eep' and looked away as her face burned a deep red.

He had approached her, immediately knowing what happened. His eyes softened in pity and he escorted her to her room.

She was confused about why he hadn't looked at her in disgust but figured that he probably went through this already since Alois did this to Hannah as well.

Timber had taken her torn clothes and gave her new ones. He ran her bath for her and set her in the water.

"I hope he didn't hurt you as much Miss Y/n." Timber spoke, his deep voice ringing in her ears.

Y/n's eyes widened as she had never heard him speak aloud.

"T-timber! You...spoke!" She said.

"I'm sorry. Would you rather me be silent?" Timber asked.

"I-of course not! It's my first time ever hearing you're voice and...it's very soothing to listen to after such a...rough night..." Y/n said, giving Timber a smile.

Timber blushed at this, despite being an emotionless demon, he had felt that Y/n had actually been able to make him come out of his shell with her kind and gentle words.

"I see. Well, be still...I have to wash your hair as well." Timber said.

Y/n nodded and quickly complied with Y/n's wishes, feeling Timber's fingers slick through her now wet hair, and massage her scalp.

He then rinsed her hair and washed it once more before wringing our the water and he then looked at her.

"Are you able to wash yourself? Does it hurt to move?" Timber asked.

Y/n lifted her leg slightly, but let out a grunt in pain, it hurt to move now that she had relaxed after her adrenaline calmed down when she tried to leave the young master's room.

Timber nodded to himself and grabbed her washrag she used and added some soap on it after dousing it in water.

He then proceeded to cleanse her body and once he finished, he dried her off and dressed her.

"Wonderful. Now you're all clean and beautiful again." Timber said.

Y/n looked up at him, with confusion on her face.

"Beautiful?" She asked.

Timber blushed slightly, but nonetheless he nodded.

"Of course. You're the definition of gorgeous. You have the perfect smile, sparkling eyes, a beautiful body, fair and smooth skin, silky, long ha- are you crying?" Timber asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I-...I've never...been called beautiful...before...I've only known myself to be ugly or disgusting...unwanted trash..." Y/n said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"W-was I ever good enough? For anything?" She asked as she wiped her tears, her face contorting into a frown as she sobbed.

Timber, finding the only appropriate thought in his mind, hugged her by her waist, and allowed his other hand to caress her semi-wet hair.

"You are more than good enough...you are everything this manor needs. You are perfect in every way, shape, and form. You're the only human Thompson, Canterbury, and I can even tolerate. You're so pure, so lovely, you're the embodiment of a goddess. If anything, I feel as if we all pale in comparison to you, Y/n." Timber spoke, his voice now soft and gentle in her ear.

She calmed down at his words, and she pulled away from the hug and looked up at Timber.

He stared into her beautiful e/c orbs, and without another thought, he kissed her lips, passion, and desire filled deep within that kiss.

Their lips moved in sync, and Timber suddenly found himself on top of Y/n, in the middle of a heated makeout session.

Timber then quickly pulled away.

"I...we can continue...tonight. That way there will be no interruptions, and we can probably disturb a certain someone's sleep. I still have a bit of work to do...so...my apologies My Lady, but I must dismiss myself." Timber said.

He then gave Y/n another kiss, and left the room, despite longing to run his hands along her bare body.

Y/n's eyes then widened as she had just realized what had occurred. She had kissed Timber!

I doubt it was even a kiss! It was more so a heated makeout.

Y/n's face had been turned red by the plum-haired triplet.

He was handsome, yes, and his voice was silk-like and deep, and that was usually what attracted Y/n. His attitude was straightforward, but he was always so quiet, and since it was the first time he had spoken aloud to her, she had been...how should I put this?

Turned on.

Could she be...attracted to Timber? Or even...in love with him?

She shook her head vigorously before exiting her room and walking out to see if she had any chores needing to be completed.

She hadn't seen Timber since then, and when she determined that all of her chores had been done, she returned to her room, and laid down, thinking back to what had happened with Alois.

It was true, her body had enjoyed it, but she wasn't much of a fan of Alois.

He had beaten her, called her names, and was mean to her all around. She had, of course, disliked Alois and his brash way of treating her, and wished to be treated at least a bit better, but that, unfortunately, wouldn't come true, she thought.

Despite her dislike for Alois, she still had to serve under him. He took her in, gave her shelter, food, clothes. The least she could do is be grateful...right?

She decided not to dwell any further on it and dozed off in her bed.


At around 5:30 A.M, Y/n had awoke from her sleep and sat up. She walked over to her wardrobe and picked out a good looking dress to wear for today's work. She threw the dress on the bed and walked into the bathroom, freshening herself up. She took a quick bath in a Lavendar soak and washed her hair.

Once she was dry and her hair was in a suitable hairstyle, she had put on her dress:

Once she was dry and her hair was in a suitable hairstyle, she had put on her dress:

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And finally went to go and do her job.

She scuffled her way to Alois' bedroom, ready to wake the boy up, but he had been coughing himself awake for a while.

He was sneezing, and his nose was bright red, when she walked in.

•To be continued...

Good Enough~~An Alois x Reader x Timber SmutficWhere stories live. Discover now