~•~Not Good Enough~•~

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Before we start:
Y/n means Your Name
Anything with quotation marks following italics are the triplets' whispering. "Triplets whispering"

Anything in bold followed by parentheses, is an Authors Note.
(Bro what's up guys how was your 2020 summer-)

And finally, apostrophes followed by italics, are thoughts. 'I really want to watch anime, but my enemy is drowning and I'm super close to them. Eh, she can wait. I'll just watch one episode...okay maybe three...okay I'll finish the entire series.'

Welp enjoy!

Y/n was doing her chores she had been assigned to do.

The triplets had joined in since it wasn't said they couldn't help. They did think she was much prettier than Hannah, a lot more sweeter and nicer and she had a really nice body. It was like she was the upgraded to the max, better, new and improved version of Hannah.

Except Alois didn't give two fat flying donkeys whether she was better or not. He just thought she was the same as Hannah.

A dumb, rude girl who doesn't listen, and disobeys his every command.

When in reality, Y/n was just a clumsy, awkward, and shy kind of girl.

She didn't do much of anything to anger a person, but Alois was bipolar, and quite abusive.

So it wouldn't take much.

And so that beautiful day had passed by as quickly as a shounen protagonists parents die.

The triplets had helped Y/n with the rest of her chores, and she was suddenly called.

"His highness wishes for your presence." Claude spoke.

Y/n nodded at Claude and walked down the decorated halls for his office. She had knocked quietly at the door.

"Come in." She heard.

She timidly walked in, and stood three feet away from the door.

"Yes master?" She asked.

"Bring me some tea. You know how I like it." He said.

"Of course master." She bowed and turned to walk away.

"Hurry up now! I don't have all day!" Alois ordered.

She put more speed into her walking and stepped into the kitchen. She then grabbed the teapot and poured water into it and let it boil. She then grabbed a tea bag, Alois' favorite, and even added his favorite dessert he likes with his tea. Maybe he'll like it this time...

Once the pot was boiled and the tea was finished, she put it on a dish and put the plate of cake on it along with an empty teacup.

She then made her way to Alois' office and set down the dish and poured the tea into the cup, and avoided eye contact with Alois but smiled at him.

"I-I hope you enjoy your highness." She said shakily.

Alois didn't respond as he sipped his tea with his eyes closed. He then took a bite out of his cake and then waited for a second, before giving Y/n a death glare.

"Y/n....what the hell is this?!" He growled.

"I-it's y-you-you're fa-favorite y-you-your hi-highness!" Y/n stuttered. She stumbled backwards as Alois approached her.

"I told you I don't like butterscotch cake anymore you twat!" He shouted.

He rose his hand and lowered it to connect with her face.

She held in her cry of pain and held her bruised cheek.

"That tea is bitter! You can't seem to do anything right you idiotic imbecile!!!" He screamed and kicked her in her side.

She was the only human maid so it did hurt, a lot at least.

He then grabbed her hair and pulled her up.

"Leave my study and go be useful!!" Alois shouted and threw Y/n to the ground away from him.

He then threw the teacup, tea pot, cake, and the dish itself at her as she walked out of the door. She then gasped as she closed the door behind her.

She had a glass shard lodged in her calf and a bruised cheek because her skin was quite sensitive. Her back also ached and she cried as she limped to her room.

Thankfully, she had gotten the room with a bathroom in it, so she ran herself a bath with steaming water, and stripped herself of clothing. She then snatched the glass shard out of her skin, holding in her scream, and stepped into the water, watching it slowly turn red from her blood seeping out of her wound.

She took a bath and soaked in it's lavender scent, and soon she got out, drying herself with a towel and wrapping herself in it.

She then grabbed some bandaging and bandaged her wounded calf and decided to cover it up with some knee length socks in the morning.

Alois did say something about having guests tomorrow, so he told her to look her best as to not embarrass him. So she picked out an adorable maid's outfit that accentuated her curves and she got a matching headband to go along with it, with some black flats.

She then got dressed for bed and crawled into her bed, falling asleep.

The next morning she got up early, brushing her face, washing her teeth, and curling her hair. She then put on the outfit she picked out last night, and quickly went to get to her chores done before Alois woke up.

She quickly prepared breakfast and and brewed some morning tea for Alois, once she did her morning chores. It was the simple sweeping of the floors and watering the garden.

Once the breakfast was hot and ready, Alois had walked into the dining room just in time.

The triplets served him his breakfast and Hannah served him his tea, this time without spilling it.

They all stood near him as they ate, the triplets occasionally whispered to each other as usual, and Hannah blankly stared at the floor.

Then, Y/n walked through the door and took her place right beside Alois, as she was instructed to.

"Y/n....what are you wearing?" Alois asked, taking a bit of his fried egg into his mouth.

"I-I made sure to look my best as you said for today..." Y/n muttered.

"She does look quite beautiful"

"Yeah she's gorgeous."

"The brat might think differently though."

"You look terrible. Take it off." Alois said.

Y/n then went to leave the room.

"Where are you going?!" Alois shouted.

Y/n jumped and turned around.

"I-I'm going to change....y-your highness." She spoke softly.

"Change? I said take it off! Now get back over here and do as I say or else you'll pay the consequences!!" Alois said.

He then resumed eating, staring expectantly at Y/n.

She teared up slightly, but walked over to him nonetheless, she didn't want to be hurt again, but this was embarrassing...humiliating even.

She stood next to him and unbuttoned her maid dress. She then took off the headband and hesitantly slid her dress off, revealing her matching f/c laced bra and panties.

The triplets had a hard time containing themselves, and even Claude's perverted pedophile self, stated at her body with a stoic face but his eyes were glowing.

Alois admired her body from the corner of his eye, and a smirk etched his face.

He had an idea...

Since everything she did was not good enough, he would make her do something that would be more than good enough.

Good Enough~~An Alois x Reader x Timber SmutficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt