The File that Marks Life or Death

Start from the beginning

Yomo nods and runs at me, I duck and land a blow on his stomach, but he grabs my arm and twists it, I groan in pain as he swings me around and implants me into the ground, into a choke hold.

"I win." He said, a straight face on.

I sigh as he helped me up. He squirts at me. "You seem depressed about something." He said.

"N-Not really! I just can't get something out of my mind, is all." I said with a fake smile.

The two things I couldn't get out of my mind were Touka's blush, dang that was cute~! Ah, snap out of it. And the second thing was I was getting terribly homesick, it's only been three days and a half and I'm having trouble sleeping, I keep thinking about the Nest all Damn day.

But I can't show my face until I'm stronger! I put my fists up at Yomo and he gets his up also, signaling that I was ready for the next match.

I ran forward this time, jumping into the air and kicking downward onto his back. He grunted in pain but still managed to punch me while I was in the air, making me land hard onto the concrete.

He held out his hand. "You are distracted." He said.

Damn his sense to know everything! I stand and immediately walk to the door. "Maybe it'll go away after some sleep." I said.

I go back to my room in defeat, today I got my ass kicked three times. I didn't win even once! I can't go home until I win against Yomo! That was the deal, and I'm not giving up!

Touka POV (yes, introducing POVs! yay!)

Late at Night...

What is all that racket?! I get out of bed and walk outside my room into the hall, down it I see that Levin's rooms door is cracked open, the noise coming from there.

What was that human doing now?! I walk slowly to the door, trying to catch him off surprise. I look through the tiny peek of the door. I freeze at what I see.

Levin is standing near a punching bag that he got yesterday, and is continuing to punch it non stop, with inhuman speed. I didn't know humans were that fast...

What was the most shocking part was that he was shirtless, only having a pair of jeans on. A pair of biceps have grown on his stomach, and his arms had muscles. Sweat poured off his forehead as he continued to punch the bag, making it shake and look as if it might pop.

Wait! Why am I staring at his chest! Stop looking, stupid Touka! I shake my head and slap my cheeks, and look in again. He stopped for a second then spun around, and kicked the punching bag, hard, making a cracking noise. At first I panicked, thinking he broke his leg, but he stood fine and the bags side exploded, making sand go to the floor.

His blue hair strung to his face and waved around as he took heavy breaths. He took a long breath and looked at the ceiling, like he usually did when he was thinking about something.

He then walked over to his night stand, the one I sat at earlier that day and he opened the drawer, grabbing a gun from it. Where did he get a gun!? He aimed it at the punching bag, but didn't shoot, he had the safety on. He checked the chamber and put it back into the drawer. He then put his hand into it again and this time pulled out something different.

A mask.

I flinch at the sight. Why did he have a mask? Only ghouls got masks! He's not a ghoul, he eats normally and does things like a normal person would! Where the hell did he get that mask?! Don't tell me he killed for it!

The mask was a circled yin and yang symbol, one of the dots one the side a eye hole. But when you looked on the inside of the mask, it looked high tech. Uta made that!

I back away from the door. Why would Uta give a mask to a human? Did Levin kill a ghoul to get that? What's going on here!?

"Hey Touka." Levin said, suddenly at the door and smiling at me. I flinch and jump in surprise.

He laughs a bit. "Did I scare you?" He grinned.

My face burns up. "S-Shut up!" is all I can come up with.

He smiles and turns around, I notice he still has no shirt on. I try to control myself, to not look at his chest. What's with this guy? He's a human yet he can mess with me so easily.

"You better stop mocking me, or I'll eat you!" I said, trying to scare him. But this only makes him laugh.

"If you can." He spins around in his chair and begins to write on a piece of paper. I look at what he's writing and see that it's a letter. Who's he writing to?

"It's for my friends back home." He said, a half smile coming to his face.

He said that with a longing in his voice, he must be lonely being away from his friends.

I pace around his room and find myself staring at his back, which not for the reason you think! Along his back is a scar going across his upper back. it's barely noticeable. What happened to him in the past, I wonder...

I leave the room without him noticing, what a weird human.

But what about that mask? And why does he keep a gun with him? And what's with that scar along his back? Who is Levin, exactly? Hell, I don't even know if that's his real name...

I think all these things as I slip into sleep.

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