seven | dumbledore's army

Start from the beginning

Once stepping inside, she made a b-line for the dormitories, ignoring her sister calling her over to the fireplace with Theo and Blaise.  Astoria was the only one in the room, laying on her bed and reading The Catcher in the Rye, a Muggle book.

"Where'd you knick that?" Paz asks, as Astoria pokes her head out from behind it.

"Visited a Muggle book store over summer holiday, I forgot I had it until earlier this week." Astoria chuckled, closing it and placing it on her bedside desk.  "Why haven't you been hanging with your normal lot lately?"

Paz groaned and dramatically fell backwards onto her own bed.  "They're a bunch of arseholes, that's why."

"Hmm." Astoria hums, rolling on her side to face Paz.  "Any specific reason?"

"I have a feeling you know, 'Storia."

She nods.

Paz has slowly been growing closer with Astoria, as she is now the only Slytherin she talks to on a daily basis.  She never realized how much Astoria reminds her of Luna, though, no one could be like or replace Luna. 

"When do you think the battle will happen?"

Paz stays silent, not having an answer for her questions.

"Hopefully not any time soon."

Astoria shrugged, picking her book back up and continuing to read.  While she did this, Paz took advantage of the practically empty room and began to work on the D.A.'s new form of communication.  Paz had a huge collection of chocolate frog cards, so she figured these would be a great way to communicate, even with full sentences if she could figure out the right charm.

She grabbed the medium sized box from her trunk, opening it and pouring out over one hundred collected cards.  Though she knew there definitely weren't fifty members, she grabbed fifty or so cards and began casting charms on them.

It took around two hours and a lot of swearing to herself before Paz successfully was able to get a full sentence from her card to the others.  With another thirty minutes of work, she was able to have all the cards communicate with each other effectively.  She tossed then inside her bag full of work, crawling into bed, feeling rather exhausted.


Once 5 p.m. of Saturday evening hit, D.A. members slowly headed towards the seventh floor and inside the Room of Requirement.  They had certain time frames to come, as a whole group of students would certainly get stopped if spotted by the Carrows.

Paz was one of the last ones to show up, making sure some younger members had arrived safely.  Once all members were account for, she made sure to lock the door just in case someone somehow found the room.

There were many familiar faces, as well as several knew ones.  Paz, of course, was the only Slytherin present.  Some first and second years seemed uncomfortable to see her.

"Hello everyone, it's good to see all of you back, and it's also nice to see some new faces." Neville says, smiling towards new members.

"Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley had originally formed this group back in our fifth year, when the Ministry had corrupted our education.  Seems as if history is repeating itself, so we," Neville motions to Luna, Ginny and Paz, "Decided the smartest thing to do was bring Dumbledore's Army back into the light."

Neville looked towards the three girls, offering them a chance to speak.  Ginny was first to step up.

"The D.A. isn't your average club, in fact, it isn't a club at all, it's a secret society.  If Snape or the Carrows ever were to find us, we wouldn't live to see who wins this bloody war." 

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