I love you. (Fluff)

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Honestly I just wanted to make something cute and sad at the same also I really like Billie eilish enjoy my lovelys ♥️

Muggle AU
3rd person POV

Today is the day....the day....of...the... Berkshire highschool talent show.

Everyone was nervous but nobody was as nervous as Draco Malfoy, who was shaking from head to toe.

"Draco! It's ok calm down it's going to be ok! You have a great voice.!" Pansy says trying to calm down a pacing Draco.


Blasie then enters the room.

"Actually you did that's why I signed you up..." Blasie says in a matter of factly voice.

"I-i b-but what if they laugh at m-me?! Wha-what if H-Harry laughs at me?!" Draco cries as his eyes starts to fill with tears.

Pansy and Blasie looks at each other with concerned looks.

They both knew of Draco's huge crush on Harry Potter.

Harry is on football team and Draco is just the really quiet and smart kid that people like to pick on including Harry. Draco and Harry hate each other and always tried to outdo each other.

Recently though Draco confessed to Pasny and Blasie about his feelings towards Harry.

"Draco you'll do great and if anyone laughs at you especially that Potter boy then someone will die." Pansy says and Blasie nods in agreement.

Draco sniffles then smiles.

"Ok..I guess I need to practice again" he sighs.

Time skip to the talent show at 6:11 pm~~

Draco's POV

I'm shaking all over as Luna's performance ends and I get called up to the stage.

I start to sweat as I feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Draco Malfoy please come to the stage." Ms. McGonagall says again getting impatient.

I stand up as I hear "go on Dray you got this!" Pansy whispers encouragingly.

I take a deep breath and start to walk towards the stage shaking and sweating.

As I was on the steps of the stage I slip and fall flat on my face and people start to laugh.

I stand up and dust myself off as I feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh Malfoy's gonna crrrryyy he's such a cry baby.!" I hear Harry say and people snicker at his comment.

At this point I feel hot tears going down my face and people start to laugh louder and more.

I start to sob but then I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"It's ok Draco I believe in you. You're gonna show them that you're better than all of them.!" It was Blaise.

I wipe my tears and look in the crowd to see Pansy hitting people upside the head with a book for laughing at me.

I smile and make my way to the middle of the stage to where the microphone is with Blasie following close behind me.

"W-water..I need water." I whisper to Blasie.

He hands me a water bottle I thank him and take a big gulp.

"You got this." Blasie whispers while giving me a thumbs up and getting off the stage.

I hesitantly take the microphone and bring it to my mouth.

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