Chapter 1: Two Actors Both Alike In Dignity

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"Ah, you two must be Beryl and Sapphire."

A young man with emerald eyes and hair stood next to another young man with ocean blue hair and eyes. While the one in green was dressed professionally, the one in blue wore more casual clothing. They both smiled at the woman at the desk.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, miss. I am Beryl.", said the green one.

The lady at the desk smiled, her brown eyes glinting, and grabbed a pen off the desk, checking a box off her checklist.

"Wow, you are very polite! It's nice to meet you as well.", she replied.

She then tilted her head back up to look at the other young man.

"Then you must be-"

"Yep! My name is Sapphire!", he interrupted.

Sapphire grinned brightly at the lady at the desk, practically jumping up and down with energy.

She replied, "Wow, I love your energy! The director has an amazing taste in actors."

Sapphire thanked her and looked over to Beryl.

So that's Beryl. He's dressed pretty nicely, and he's really polite! I wonder if we can be friends...

Beryl caught the other actor observing him and smiled lightly.

So that's Sapphire. He seems kind, but that energy of his could get him in trouble. I hope he understands that...

"Hi.", Beryl said.

Sapphire's face turned a bit red when he realized what he had been doing. He got flustered and greeted the other actor in return.

"O-oh, hi!", he replied.

Before the two could carry on their conversation, the lady at the desk interrupted.

"It looks like the roles that she picked for the both of you don't have names... ", she muttered.

"I beg your pardon?", Beryl asked.

She tapped on her clipboard with her pen in deep thought. Suddenly, she stood up dropping the items in her hands as she slammed both of her hands on the desk.

"WEISS!!!", she yelled.

Her voice echoed throughout the building. A few seconds later, the sound of someone's shoes clacking against the tile of the lobby came in return. A tall and slim woman with white hair and lavender eyes appeared in the hallway, glancing up at the lady at the desk with a few scripts in her hands.

"Yes, Flax?", she replied.

"WhY didn't you give their roles names?!"

Weiss shrugged and gave her a plain look.

"I didn't feel the need to."

"What are we supposed to do now then?! WE'RE DOOMED!"

Weiss turned her head away from the meticulous woman and looked at the two actors in front of her.

"Your names are Beryl and Sapphire, right?", she asked.



"Well then, why don't we just name the show after them?"

Flax gaped at Weiss, dropping her hands to her side.

She's insane! We've been working on this for too long to do such a-

"You two are fine with that, right?"

Acting Days - Beryl x Sapphire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now