Chapter 11

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Tiredness was reaching (Y/n)'s body, the day had been too long for her taste. Sitting on the sofa in the living room, she and Colossus were exhausted. She sighed and decided it would be better to go to bed, a long night's sleep would do her good. He got up from the sofa and stretched. She lowered herself to be the same height as Colossus's face, making him look at her.

"I'm going to sleep, if you need something - or someone - I'll be upstairs." she smiles, bringing her face closer to the man's.

She gives him a quick kiss, just a touch of lips, which left the giant wanting more. Colossus closes his eyes and waits for the kiss that had been promised that day, but (Y/n) moves away faster than expected. He tries to follow the girl's head, but she leaves very quickly. When her eyes open, she was gone. He sighs and sits down again. He would speak to her the next morning.

The girl goes up to her room, a silly, wide smile on her face. She changes and lies on her bed, waiting for sleep to come. Which wouldn't be too fast. Hours and hours passed, but not a second had she closed her eyes. Lying on the bed she rested her body, her muscles were still sore, but nothing like before. She looks for something to do on her cell phone, but boredom soon overwhelms her.

For the second time she sighed that night. She got up from the bed, her hair a little tangled from rolling on the bed. She thought about putting on some decent clothes, but remembered it was late at night and there was hardly anyone in the living room or kitchen. She left her room with only her clothes on, a shirt big enough to almost reach her knees. She passed down the corridor slowly, fearing that someone would wake up to the noise she might make. When she got close to the kitchen, she quickened her pace, but when she noticed the light on, she stopped at the corner of the corridor. She stretched her head forward a little and tried to see who was there.

Cable was another one who couldn't sleep that night, he could only think of the fact that going back to his future now was something far away. But he had a second chance now, a new chance to get what he had in the future. It took him awhile to find the kitchen, but he did it at some point. He opened the fridge and looked for something to drink, opted for water anyway. He took a glass from the cupboard, but something in his peripheral vision caught his eye. He looked to the side, but was sure to see something (h/c) passing by.

"I know you're there, come out." he says, pouring the water into the glass.

(Y/n) comes out from behind the wall, embarrassed for having done something so childish. She crossed her arms, trying to look smaller than she already was. Getting close to the bench she climbs on it and sits down, her legs dangling slightly.

"I thought I was the only one awake." she says, her cheeks a little red.

"I can say the same." He says, handing her the glass and taking another for himself.

"I... I want some answers." she says, dropping the glass on the counter.

"What kind of answers?" he asks, resting his waist on the bench and facing the girl.

"Well... About you." she says, taking a lock of her hair and curling it between her fingers.

He smiles charmingly and nods, saying she could go on.

"Where do we know each other?" she asks.

"I know you from a long time." he says, smiling as he looks away "And you don't know me, yet."

"But why? Are you like my son on the future? Wait, that doesn't make sense. Are you my lost father?" she asks, crossing her arms.

"I love this about you." he approaches, stopping in front of the girl's knees.

"Come on, man. J-just be direct." she says, getting embarrassed by the proximity.

"You'll be my wife." he says, moving away a little.

"You didn't even ask for my hand! How am I supposed to-"

"In the future." the girl is quiet, not understanding "I know you because you marry me in the future, we have a house, a big one, like you wanted, and we have a daughter, a beautiful girl she is." he says, smiling at the distance again.

"But I-" she was going to say about Colossus, but again she was interrupted.

"I know about Piotr, you told me before we had Hope." he continues, he hesitates to tell the next part of the story, but she seems to notice his reluctance and asks.

"What is it?"

"I know about him, because you told me he died." he says, now his face is serious.

"He dies!?" she speaks louder, covering her mouth when she realizes that she shouted "H-he dies?" she asks again, her voice breaking with the urge to cry.

"I didn't want you to know that yet. When you told me about him, you didn't seem comfortable enough to talk about, and that was ten years into our marriage." he continues, getting close to her again.

"But how?" she asks, thick tears falling from her eyes.

"You never told me." Cable says, running the back of his hand over the girl's cheek, drying her tears.

"I have to stop it." she says, holding the man's wrist, startling him.

"I don't think you can." he interrupts her "My device can't be fixed, it uses technology from the future."

"So I won't be able to do anything?" (Y/n)'s face shows despair.

"Maybe, but I don't know how he died or when, so it might be impossible." he continues, holding her face with his palm "You don't have to worry, I'll be here from the beginning."

"But I love him." she says, placing her hand on top of his, the one he had on her face.

"I'll make you forget him. Let me try at least." he touches his forehead to the girl's.

"W-well, I can't prevent you from doing that." she says, her face hot from excitement.

"Thanks for, well, giving me another chance." he laughs, placing his other hand on her waist.

The girl's (e/c) eyes seemed to shine for the man. The tears were still visible in her eyes, but the silly smile completed her face, leaving her as delicate as ever. He looks at her with the most passionate look she has ever seen, even with the robotic parts he remains extremely handsome.

He wanted, very much just to lean over and steal the girl's lips in a flustered kiss, but decided that it might scare her. He wanted to tell the truth, but his mind wouldn't let him. He knew that if he told her she would not end up with him, he knew that if he said there was a way to save Colossus, all would be lost. He knew how Colossus would die, he knew when he would die and he knew that (Y/n) would be watching first class.

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