Chapter 1

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Author's POV

It's now Autumn season, College 2nd Year ends after you finished strong with your good friend Sakura. You remember the times you and Sakura are playing around on the field at your backyard whenever your parents have a barbeque with her parents and you two mainly don't help your parents but rather you two just play with each other and roll around near a downhill on your backyard. What will you two do this Autumn season? Let's see...


Y/N: Not gonna lie, I think I want to spend time outside. Autumn is a beautiful season, I want to spend it with someone or even a group of friends. But who? *thinking* I think I'll ask some of my friends.

Y/N: *texts Yugyeom* Yo Yugyeom?

Yugyeom: Sup my guy?

Y/N: Are you free today? I don't have anything to do.

Yugyeom: Sorry dude, I have to work at my dad's company. He said this is how he got the company from my grandfather.

Y/N: Ahh I see, alright then, sorry to bother you dude.

Yugyeom: Don't worry dude, it's fine.

Y/N: Alright thanks dude.

Y/N: Alright looks like Yugyeom isn't free. I don't even have friends. To talk to. Let's see who'll pop in my mind.

Sakura POV

Sakura: What should I do today? My other friends aren't even interested this Autumn season. Who should I hang out with?

Author's POV

Sakura looked on her contact list and tried to contact someone who can hang out with her and she stumbled upon Y/N's number.

Sakura POV

Sakura: Hmm.. I haven't talked with Y/N in a while, let's try. *Sakura calls Y/N*

Y/N noticed that his phone is ringing. Picks it up and looked who's calling "Sa.. sakura? I haven't talked to her in a while." He picked up the call


"Hello? Sakura?"

"Hey Y/N! How's it been?"

"Well, you know, being bored and lonely."

"Really? How about we hang out today? I know you like autumn season!"

"Really? I was looking for a buddy to hang out with. Where are we going?"

"Hmm, How about at the park? I heard there's a lot of falling leaves for autumn."

"Ahh alright then. See you at 9am"

"Alright see you then"

Sakura: Nice! Y/N went with me I hope it's gonna be fun! What should I wear? *picks clothes from her closet.* Ahh this is good!

Sakura: Hopefully this isn't too appealing for Y/N

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Sakura: Hopefully this isn't too appealing for Y/N. I know how he's like when my clothes are too appealing. *giggles* My little prince. When did we last even hang out?



Sakura: Ihhh! Y/N what did you do?

Y/N: *giggles* Aren't you feeling dizzy?
Sakura with her cute pouts and nods
Y/N: *giggles* Don't be like that Kkura-chan, I just like playing with you.
Sakura giggles: Me too. I love playing with you.
Y/N smiles
Y/N's mom: Y/N! Let's go!
Y/N smile turned into a frown
Sakura frowns: I guess you're leaving
Y/N nods slowly and a tear went out
Sakura: "Don't worry. We can still make it work through! I promise. I won't forget you.
Y/N smiles a bit and looks at her
Sakura smiles "Come here and give me a big hug"
Y/N smiles and hugs her.
Sakura "I'm gonna miss my little prince"
Y/N "I'm gonna miss my loving princess"
Sakura giggles while holding back her emotions "Yah go now, Your mom and dad might scold you"
Y/N "I want to do something first" kisses Sakura's cheek
Sakura blushes "Y... y/n?"
Y/N "Just take that as my gift for you"
Sakura nods and smiles while still blushing

They greeted with one last hug and Y/N hop in the car and looked at the window where Sakura is standing. Sakura started waving slowly and when the car got its pace, Y/N looked out the back glass of the car and looked at Sakura waving with emotions running down both of your eyes.

~Flashback Ends~

Y/N: Oh yeah I did do that on Kkura-chan. Why did I kiss her cheek? Gosh now i'm embarrassed.

You two bought gifts and walked to the park.

Sakura saw you first and did not hesitate to tear after seeing her friend for more than a decade. She ran towards you and hugs you tight. You we're shocked on how she was missing you so much. You patted her back and calm her down

Sakura: We meet again my prince *tearing*

Y/N giggled: Ihhh don't call me prince. You might have a boyfriend already.

Sakura giggles: I don't have one. Let's go!

Y/N nods


Hi Guys! I'm back! So, to be honest this is the shortest chapter i've wrote. But I'll make it up on the next chapters. :)

[ON HOLD] The Love no one can break | Miyawaki Sakura x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now