Chapter 7

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When he opened his mouth, I expected to hear his voice, but the sound of knocking interrupted.

I growled lowly.

I was just about to listen to his voice again!

"Who is it!"

I yelled.

"It's Tails, Sonic! May I come in?"

I sighed little.

"Come in, Tails!"

The door opened and Tails came in.

"Why'd you turn off the lights, Sonic? It's so dark in here!"

Tails said, searching for the light switch.

"Someone was sleeping at here, Tails."

I pointed at Shadow, who was glaring at Tails. Heh, he still doesn't like his world cut by others.

"I know but isn't he up now?"

Tails turned lights on. I squinted.

"Yeah, yeah. I forgot to turn it on."

I waved my hand. Tails smiled only.

"I brought you a present, Shadow! Check this out! I thought it would be hard for you to talk with that form, so I brought mind reader!"

"Uhh, sorry Tails, but I think he won't need that. He was just about to talk to me before you entered."

Tails moved his gaze to me and again to Shadow.

Shadow just stared at Tails, blinking. After a long sigh, he opened his mouth.

"I don't need that, Fox. I can speak by myself like this Faker said."

He scoffed after that.

"What makes you think I can't speak with this form? 'Cause I look like some kind of animal? Then sorry for that."

God it's so good to hear his voice. I've missed his voice so much. His voice is much younger than I heard last time. Was his form making his voice like that?

I saw Tails grabbing his chin and holding his product in the other hand. He was deep in his own thoughts. Maybe he was thinking if he should trash his new product? I'm a bit sorry for Tails that he need to trash new one, even not using it at least once.

"Okay, sorry about that. But what? 'Fox'? You know I'm not a fox, Shadow. I'm human."

I could see him froze. Wait... Don't tell me he isn't Shadow I know.

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