Chapter 6

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I felt something cold on my forehead, warm and soft thing wrapping me when I gained my conscious back.

Fighting against sleepiness, I forced myself to open my eyes, but it was all blurry and dizzy.

When I gained my sight, I saw I was in a foreign room, lights were off, laying on plushy cushions.

I could see a huge bed and hanger, which hanging some pack of liquid which is connected with lingers on the back of my right hand, next to the place where I was.

Maybe I was on quick-made-cushion-bed.

My body was stiff. My back hurt, now-cold handkerchief on my forehead, bandages are on my cheek and everywhere I had scratches, left arm having cast, right leg, waist, and chest were wrapped up.

And when did my gloves and shoes were off from me?

I took hanger in my hand and tried to sit up, but soon gave up. Flumping on cushions again, I let out a sigh and tried to remember what happened.

I was thrown to the wall by that pinky. Before thrown to the wall, I got a slap on my cheek by her hand. That would be reason why I had a bandage on my cheek. She's gonna regret it.

Then I heard the door open and saw human-faker coming into the room with a long sigh. He turned his head toward me and saw I was awake.

"Oh, you're up! That's nice, 'cause we have things to discuss."

He came closer to me and sat infront of me.

I tilted my head little at that.

'Things to discuss?'

"Well, Shadow... While you were sleeping, Tails checked and treated you as you can see. While checking you, we figured out that you were really, really, really similar with 'Shadow' I know..."


My eyebrow twitched little.

"Can you explain why Shadow? I... I need to know the truth, Shadow."

I could smell the salty smell from him. Why is he becoming sad? Because I hadn't told him the truth?

I frowned little at that idea.

"If you really are him, Shadow, I... I..."

He couldn't continue anymore and began to tear up, sobbing, letting his head hanging.

My ears flatten to my skull, frowning from the sight. Why is he so sad because of me? Why?

While I was thinking, Sonic' shaking hand moved toward my face. Then he gently grabbed my cheeks. I fought with stinging feeling where he placed his hand.

"Shadow... It's okay, just, please, please tell me the truth..."

Shining emerald-colored eyes were full of sadness, tears making their way out of Sonic' eyes.

I couldn't stand at the sight. I need to know why he was acting like this.

When I was about to open my mouth, he leaned on me, making our lips connected.

'... What the...? Why is he...'

Not giving me time to think, he pushed farther. I couldn't do anything but freeze.

Then I realized this was wrong.

I pulled my shaky right hand up and grabbed his shoulder then pushed him, but it was too weak.

But thankfully, he felt this and pulled back. He was panting with a blush. But so am I. He stared my eyes, then he frowned.

"Don't you remember, Shadow...?"

He asked with concern.

I thought this could give me some information, so I nodded.

"Oh... Then I'm sorry for sudden action, Shadow... I-I understand if you don't remember... Of course, you can't. Because you were dead before we met again this time..."

My ears perked up at the word 'dead'. He squeezed my right hand gently, now sniffing only.

'Then is it past here in this universe? When I died before? But when?'

"But before we start, how much do you remember, Shadow?"

And I opened my mouth.

-A/N Yeah, just decided to upload. -

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