Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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This is my first chapter of my first book re-edited. please let me know (leave a comment) on what i can improve on or what you think of it so far please.




--------THE BEGINNING---------

Christina Flynn’s P.O.V

The year was 1865. My name is Christina Flynn, I am a member of a coven of witches. I had just turned 20 when the war began with a coven of vampires. The war began because a vampire named Tobias had killed one of the witches drinking her dry, so the witches placed a curse on the converted vampires, so they could never walk in the light of day again.

“Christina, we need some help with look out after last night’s attack,” Said Stefan.

“Yes father, of course” I replied without hesitation.

I have been asking my father ‘s permission to help protect the village. I couldn’t stand it anymore, just sitting around while everyone else helped defend the village, I was watching a bunch of drooling babies. I was not allowed to fight and help protect the village because I am one of the only healers my people have, I have been practicing for years trying to master the elements of healing, there is so much to learn, so many ingredients to it, I have only managed to control water which is good since it was winter and snow littered the ground. You can heal practically anything with the water my mother added some healing herbs to. It’s now our drinking water from the town well on the outskirts of the village. Since our drinking water is the source of our healing, I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t allowed to fight still, it made no sense to me.  

That night I was a lookout, I was sitting by a fire trying to keep warm. It was deadly silent. I could hear the crackle of the fire, my throat became itchy and dry as I inhaled the smoke from the fire. I decided to walk over to the well and fill my water container. My father had just gone to find some more firewood from the nearby forest. When I had heard a noise behind me and I turned around, gotten into a defensive stance when a cold breeze blew up behind me. I felt something cold hit the back of my head. Everything went black.

I woke with my hands in chains above my head that was pounding with pain. I could feel my pulse in my temples as it echoed in my ears, my eyes, still closed, I didn’t want to see where I was. It was cold stone floor and wall, the room smelled of blood. I could hear screaming echoing off the walls. Someone was in pain, a lot of pain. I forced my eyes open, not much has changed. The room was so dark it was like I never opened my eyes, I could see a faint thin line of light coming in from under the big steel door. I knew where I was, I knew there was no chance of escape, even if I did manage to free my hands I would be captured as soon as I stepped close to the door. I was now a prisoner of the war.

I was sitting for what seemed like days in the dark just staring at the small glint of light on the floor when I heard some voices coming closer to my cell. Panic rose in my chest as the voices got closer; I could hear the clinking of the keys as they unlocked my cell door. One of the men started laughing, “I can smell your fear girl.” The cell door then flew open and a man was standing in front of me with his hand around my throat, he was a short vampire who reeked of the blood that stained his fingernails and clothes. His face drew closer to mine when I could see he was smiling at me, with his fangs extended. Panic setting in, ‘this is it, I am going to die’ I thought to myself.

“Marcus, what are you doing?” Another man across the room asked.

“Sir, my apologize I did not know you where here.” Marcus said releasing my neck and backing away

“What is your name child?” The man asked coldly.

“Christina, what is your name?” I replied trying to keep the panic from my voice.

“Good, my name is Jonathan, leader of the converted, you have met Marcus he is the dungeon guard.” Jonathan said with a smile on his face. “And this,” he said pointing to the corner of the room, “this is my son Daniel.” I looked up to see where he was pointing and saw a young man standing in the corner. He looked absolutely gorgeous, short brown hair that looked like it had recently had fingers run through it, pale white skin that almost seemed to glow in the darkness of the room, I couldn’t see his eyes which made me curious, I wanted to know what color they were. It was like I was looking at an incomplete painting, an unfinished sculpture, a beautiful piece of art that had yet to be finished.

“Pay attention Christina, it is not polite to ignore someone when they are talking to you, especially when that someone is me, I could rip your throat out without a second thought. Is that what you want?”

“N-no sir” I shook my head.

“Now Christina, I am going to ask you some questions, if you don’t answer truthfully I will surely know by the beat of your heart. Do not even attempt to lie to me. Marcus here seems fascinated with you. If you lie I will turn my back and leave so Marcus can have his way with you and he’s not very gentle if you couldn’t tell by his attire.” Jonathan said with an evil smirk.

I nodded. “I will not lie; please don’t leave him alone with me.”

“Why did your head witch curse us?” he asked.

“One of your subjects named Tobias killed one of our elders named Sofia.” I stated firmly.

“Tobias?!” He exclaimed. “Are you sure that is the name of the man who killed her?”

I nodded and he stormed out of the room, anger filling his face.

Daniel and Marcus remained in the room staring at each other. Marcus glanced at me with lust filling his eyes. He started walking towards me, the next thing I saw he was standing in front of me holding me by my throat with his ice cold hand.

“Ahh” I screamed, the next thing I saw surprised me even more. Marcus flying back across the room slamming into the stone wall with a loud crash. I looked around trying to figure out what had just happened. I saw Daniel standing in front of me growling at Marcus.

War and Love (On Hold-Editing 2021)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon