Chapter 2 - The Fight

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--------The Fight---------

Marcus charged at Daniel wrapping his hand around his throat slamming him into the wall. Marcus grabbed Daniels hair and slammed his head into the wall again and again and again. When he finally stopped Daniel was laughing like a crazy person. I stared at him with a bewilderment plastering my face.

“Is that all you’ve got Marcus.” Daniel said still laughing with his forehead bleeding. This enraged Marcus even more. He then threw Daniel across the cell slamming him into the stone wall with so much force I swear the wall cracked. Marcus ran over to Daniel and began kicking him in his ribs repeatedly. Then a kick to the face, Daniels eyes closed from that one. I stared at him praying he would get up. ‘Please get up, please get up, please, please, please!’  Marcus started crossing the room back towards me. Blood splattered on his face, lust and hunger in his eyes, a fang extended smile.

“Daniel!” I screamed, even I could hear the terror in my voice. “Daniel, Daniel get up please!”

“Stop your screaming, pathetic wench” Marcus hissed at me.

“Stay the hell away from me you stupid blood-suck” I was cut off when he dashed across the room and had me in the air, feet off the floor, cold hands around my throat.  I tried scratching his hands, trying to get them to release me. I tried kicking and screaming. My vision was getting spotty from lack of oxygen.

“Now, you smell absolutely appetizing, I can smell the fear radiating off your skin and it is driving me insane.” Marcus growled at me. I stared into his blood-red eyes, horror struck. With one quick movement, his fangs buried into my neck. I yelped in pain. Staring past him to the unconscious man on the floor who had tried to save me. My vision becoming more blurred I swear I just saw Daniel twitch, as my world turned black once again.

*0*Daniels P.O.V*0*

Slowly regaining consciousness I looked around taking in my surroundings. I was laying on a cold floor, a giant wooden door with metal bars on it, ‘I must be in the dungeons’ I thought to myself. ‘Why am I in the dungeons? Try to remember Daniel, remember it must have been something important.’ The last thing I remember was having a fight with Marcus. I looked around some more hoping to find the reason of my being here. I looked across the room and saw a dark figure in the shadows. Just facing the wall. What the hell is he doing? I heard the rattle of some chains. ‘SHIT CHRISTINA!’

I jumped to my feet feeling light-headed. It must have been a decent fight. I darted across the room and grabbed Marcus by the hair, bending his neck back, throwing him to the floor. I was hovering over him the second his body hit the floor, nothing but pure anger and fury running through me. I was now standing over him, while he looked up with confusion and shock in his eyes. I began my assault on him, punch after punch to his face. Blood covering my knuckles as I pulled away, making my way back over to the unconscious Christina, I felt a tug on my ankle. I look down to see Marcus’ hand clutching my ankle trying to pull me back, anger, confusion, and hunger in his eyes. I kicked his hand off me and kicked him in the face just as he had done to me, leaving him unconscious on the dungeon floor.

I release Christina’s hands from the shackles that bound her, watching her drop to the floor. I could smell her blood coming from the 2 puncture wounds on her neck that Marcus had been feeding from. I brought my face down to her mesmerizing neck, trying not to inhale, I didn’t want her to go through any more pain, I wanted her to be free of the war, the blood, the worry, the pain.  I licked the two puncture wounds, oh my God, she tasted like pure heaven. I pulled away from her and watched her neck heal. (Only thing to heal a vampire bite quickly, happens to be the vampire saliva, yummy right? It would have healed on its own in about a week or two, but the sooner she heals the better and with saliva she will not have scars.)

After a while of waiting, making sure her wounds sealed properly, I picked her up bridal-style and moved her closer to the door and set her down. I then turned my attention back to Marcus. I grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him to the spot that Christina had been chained to. I grabbed the shackles and placed them around Marcus’ wrists, chaining him to the wall.

I looked back over to Christina, she was now conscious again, staring at me. I walk over to Christina and offer her my hand. She hesitantly took my hand. Immediately shocks filled my hand where her skin touched mine. I looked at her in confusion, I had never felt this feeling, was it a spell of some sort? We just sat there staring into each other’s eyes till I heard clinking of chains. Marcus was waking up. I flung the door open with Christina’s hand still in my own, pulling her down the hallways, through corridors, upstairs, past guards. We finally made it to my door, I pulled her through the doorway, shut and locked the door. Christina had a weird look on her face, somewhere between contemplating, excitement, and fear. I walked towards her, she backed away hesitantly, I stopped and looked into her eyes questioning why she was afraid of me. I didn’t have time to ask, I side-stepped and walked over to the chest that was behind her next to my bed. The chest holds everything I will need if I am going to help her escape.

With all the chest contents spread out on the bed, I walked over to my wardrobe and ripped off my torn and bloody shirt glancing over at Christina she had turned beat red blushing like a mad woman. I smiled and turned back to my wardrobe placed my black shirt on and my black jacket that I would never leave without. This jacket is like my armor, it protects me from the sun, and it’s not too bad against a sword, it definitely helps prevent being bitten by anything. I laced up my black boots, grabbed my sword off my bed and secured it around my waist.

“Do not leave this room, lock the door, I will be back as soon as I can.” I told Christina, she nodded and I left the room, waiting by the door to hear the click saying she had locked it. I made my way down the corridor to my sister Amelia’s room. She was not there, which I considered a good thing, I would not like to explain why I needed some of her belongings. I walked to her wardrobe and pulled out a few dresses, a few shirts, some trousers, undergarments, and a pair of my sisters’ boots and placed them all in a rucksack. I made my way down to the kitchen and filled a sack with some bread, seeds, canteens of water, and a cooking pot. I then made my way to our stables’, there I found my beautiful horse Jax. I placed the saddle, reigns, and rucksacks onto Jax back, tied him to the post, and made my way back to my room.

I walked to my door and unlocked it, I walked in a slowly shut the door. I turned around and froze in place, not even breathing. Nothing could have scared me more than this. There in front of me stood Marcus with a blade to Christina’s throat, his hand over her mouth, and beside him, beside him was the one and only man I have ever feared.

“Daniel, you have shamed me. Guards, arrest him and take him to the dungeons, I will be there shortly to decide his punishment.”

“What about the girl Your Highness?” One of the guards asked.

“Take her to the tower, place two guards outside her door at all time, no one goes in or out without my consent.”

“Yes Sir.” The guard replied as he walked across my room and he and Marcus escorted her out of the room. As I took one step closer to try to stop them, fear, anger, and a feeling I just couldn’t quite place filling me. I reached for Christina, I could see the panic in her eyes. I grabbed Marcus trying to get him away from her. Only to be held back by two guards, one holding each of my arms. There stood the King, with nothing but disappointment in his eyes. He looked at me then back to Christina, and back to me, then he nodded. I felt something warm trail down the back of my head after something blunt smacked in to it. My sight blurred, I heard Christina scream, then I fell unconscious. Into the blackness.

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