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❛ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧  ❜

❝ and then...we never spoke again.

        THE two quickly noticed a row of bombs, each marked with major areas they were gonna hit; Boston, Chicago and New York

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

THE two quickly noticed a row of bombs, each marked with major areas they were gonna hit; Boston, Chicago and New York. Anastasia paled as a chill ran down her back. She noticed Steve peak his head up, and she listened to hear rapid footsteps approaching.

Climbing up to a higher platform, they watched a line of Hydra men shuffle down the walkway to each of the pods they were gonna fly. Steve was the first to act; grabbing a support bar on the ceiling and kicking one down.

Ana was close behind, jumping onto the steel catwalk with fists held high. The three agents turned to her, pulling out knives. She waited, watching as the first rushed to her with a swing. She easily dodged the blade, driving her elbow into his mask before punching him in the ribs. Throwing him into the railing, Anastasia allowed Steve to move past her for the next.

Steve kicked the second man down with one hit, watching the last run away. Grabbing the knife off of the first guy, he skillfully threw it, landing the blade into his back. Anastasia almost allowed a smile, before getting shoved harshly to the ground. Steve turned, punching him in the face.

A section of the fuselage opened, and the two friends watched as one agent prepared to go into the pod marked CHICAGO. Steve rushed for the controls, opening the hatch earlier than expected and letting the bomb slip through and get lost in the wind. The agent hanging on over top let go as well, falling to his death.

Steve quickly took out two more men before going for the pod with NEW YORK painted on it. Anastasia gasped in horror, only being able to watch as Steve dove on top of the pod and lost his shield. The hatch opened under the machine, and Anastasia screamed when Steve went with it.


Glancing around in fear, Anastasia gingerly picked up his shield, moving to find the Red Skull.

WITH silent footsteps, she approached the door to the cockpit. Upon reaching for the handle, she sensed a body behind her. Turning on her heel, Anastasia cocked back her fist and threw a punch.

Steve caught it with ease, quickly placing his gloved hand over her mouth. Her eyes shot wide open, nearly squealing in shock. Taking back his shield, Steve put a finger to his mouth to silence her.

When she calmed down, Steve took the lead and entered the room. It was silent, with no indication of Johann in the pilot seat. They crossed the room, staring at the glowing machine in the middle.

TONIGHT YOU BELONG TO ME ▹ BUCKY BARNES ¹  ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz