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❛  𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 ❜

❝ chin up, kid. they'd kill to
see you fall. ❞

         ANASTASIA felt the pins in her hair start to fall out as whisps started to brush her face

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         ANASTASIA felt the pins in her hair start to fall out as whisps started to brush her face. Steve and herself were being led down various hallways inside the Hydra base, and she felt dizzy from so many turns.

Biting her lip, Ana frowned to herself as the men holding her wrists gripped tighter by the step. After what seemed of hours of walking, they entered a large lab, stopping before a ray of sunlight from the window overhead.

"Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trait," a heavy German accent called out, which was recognized by the two soldiers. "but I must say you two do it better than anyone."

Johann strolled forward, stopping before them. The two friends stayed silent, watching the Doctor continue on.

"But, there are limits, to even what you can do, Captain. Of course, there are many more limits for an Agent." His harsh glare turned to Ana. "Nonetheless a woman."

Anastasia's scowl grew cold, matching his.

"Or, did Erskine tell you two otherwise?"

"He told me you were insane," Steve replied in a flat tone, maintaining his blank facade.

Johann glanced at the floor briefly, "Ah. He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine. But he gave you everything. So, what made you so special?"

Steve offered the man a pity chuckle, with the corner of his lips tugging upward. "Nothing. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn."

Johann gritted his teeth, quickly cocking back his fist before punching Steve across the jaw. Anastasia gasped before writhing against the men behind her in anger. He delivered a backhand and another punch to the gut before stepping back.

Steve sank to his knees, not watching as Schmidt backhanded Anastasia next. Her right knee buckled, causing her to slightly falter. Steve panted, slowly gazing up at the Doctor.

"I can do this all day."

"Oh, of course, you can. Of course." Johann reached for his belt, pulling out a futuristic-looking gun. "But, unfortunately, I am on a tight schedule."

Muffled pricks made everyone glance at the window, watching as thick metal tires attacked to the outside of the lair. On each of the lines, men slid towards the large window. Anastasia flicked her chin to the side, moving her hair to gain a better look.

"So am I," Steve hissed to himself, quickly grabbing the man to his right and throwing him in front of Schmidt. Anastasia flinched away once more as the agent was suddenly evaporated by the Doctor's weapon.

Dum Dum, Falsworth and Gabe smashed through the glass, opening fire to Johann and his men. Steve dove after Ana, shielding her from any bullets.

Anastasia gasped for air as Steve lifted off her, watching as Zola escaped through the doorway. Falsworth approached the two, tossing Anastasia a handgun and Steve his shield. "You both might need these!"

They both caught the two with ease, yelling a "Thanks!" in unison. Steve tapped her on the shoulder before they ran after the Doctor.

Trying to retrace their steps, they twisted left and right trying to keep up with Johann. He fired back at them with his own creation of a gun, but Steve was able to deflect each hit.

Steve stopped, winding back his arm before flinging the disk down the winding hall. It slammed between two closing doors. Anastasia sprinted ahead, only to jump back with a yelp when a man dressed in heavy armour marched forward.

Two streams of fire nearly caught on her skin and clothing. Steve jumped to the side after Anastasia did the same. After a few seconds, the man seemingly exploded. Peering around their hiding spot, Peggy stood with an automatic and a confident stance.

Anastasia broke a smile, relieved to see the rest of the army behind her.

Steve jogged up to her with a smirk, "You're late."

Peggy gaped for a moment before spotting Ana behind him. "Weren't you about to..."

He glanced away, "Right."

Anastasia rolled her eyes, leaning in for a quick kiss on the cheek. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you."

Peggy smiled back before watching the two slip through the door and disappear. "Be careful!"

          THE two entered the spacious hanger, glancing around at the chaos unfolding. Anastasia stopped beside Steve, panting heavily. "We're...we're too late."

"Just try to keep up, we're almost there!" Steve yelled over the noise before sprinting off. Anastasia could barely take two steps before nearly collapsing. She watched as Steve brushed off multiple Hydra men before taking off after the aircraft Johann was in.

The loud roar of an engine caused the woman to turn. Phillips and Peggy sat in a Hydra cruiser car. "Get in, Perova!"

Without another word, she jumped in beside Peggy. Chester gave little time before slamming on the gas and chasing after Steve. Within seconds, they stopped beside the super-soldier. Steve hopped in and they took off towards the aircraft.

Phillips pushed a red button beside the steering wheel, causing boosters to spring from the bumper and lurch the car into an even faster gear.

"Keep it steady!" Steve yelled, sitting on the passenger door.

Anastasia stood next, moving to sit on the rear door behind him. "I'm coming with you!"


The two paused, and Steve turned. Peggy reached up, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him down for a kiss.

A bittersweet feeling suddenly sprung in Anastasia's chest, causing her heart to beat a little faster. Her mind landed on Bucky.

Phillips and Anastasia locked eyes for a small second before the Colonel shook his head, "I'm not kissing you!"

Anastasia made a face, to which he didn't see. She looked forward, narrowing her eyes against the wind.

Steve blinked, starstruck. He glanced at his friend, "Ana, hang on tight to me."

Anastasia climbed onto Steve's back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. She strapped the shield on her own back, shutting her eyes as Steve made the leap for the aircraft's wheel.

Phillips swerved the car, skidding it to a stop. The Colonel and Agent watched with wide as they climbed up into the large plane.

Steve held on tight to thick cables as the wheels started to retract into the ship. "You all right back there?"

Anastasia panted in his ear, glancing over her shoulder at the terrifying height. "N-Never better!"

Once the wheels were in place, they climbed off and onto a catwalk adjacent. Anastasia took a moment to collect herself before continuing with the Captain.

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