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❛ 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ❜

❝ but in all chaos there
is calculation.            ❞

          WHEN they both landed, Steve grabbed Anastasia's hand tightly

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WHEN they both landed, Steve grabbed Anastasia's hand tightly. "C'mon," he whispered in the dark, tugging her forward but not letting go. The pair weaved between the many trees, trying to be as quiet as they could.

They covered ground fast, and before they knew it, they were at the forest's edge where one of Hydra's base was. Anastasia shuddered, giving Steve's hand a squeeze. Steve glanced at her, squeezing back before letting go.

The sound of motors made the two turn before quickly ducking into the thicket around them. Steve's mouth gaped at the sight. Through the fog, they could count three large trucks driving towards the gates where multiple guards were keeping watch.

Anastasia felt Steve nudge her before peering up at him. He jutted his chin forward as the last truck rolled by. Getting his idea, she nodded back and the two sprang up. Steve ran forward, being able to swiftly hop into the back. Sticking his arm through the two cloth curtains, Anastasia grabbed his forearm before letting him haul her up.

They two friends landed on their backsides, pausing when they realized two Hydra men sitting to their left. Steve nodded once, "Fellas."

At once, they sprang to their feet with battle cries. Steve and Ana gasped, scrambling to their feet before easily taking them all out; with mostly Steve handling them. He grabbed her shoulder, pushing her down so they both squatted, waiting for the trucks to park.

When their truck backed in and was parked, a Hydra agent lifted the curtain, only to be met with the sight of Steve's prop shield. He spiked it forward, hitting the agent straight back into the doorway which was behind him.

"Jesus, why don't you just kill him next time." Anastasia whispered, barely audible. Steve glanced at her, flashing an apologetic look. She laughed quietly before gesturing forward.

Being as quiet as they could, they exited the back of the vehicle and ran off in the opposite direction. Steve grabbed her hand again, leading her on.

Nearby, a field of Hydra tanks sat. Steve pressed his back into the nearest. He gave Anastasia a concerned look. "You sure you wanna do this? I can call in Peggy if you don't wanna do this."

"Are you kiddin'?" she asked back, almost offended. Steve shrugged before she continued. "Bucky—my Bucky is in there and I plan to get him out, even if it's the last thing I do. You'd be an idiot to think I'd back out now. Also, you really think it's a good idea to call in Peggy and Howard when we're smack-dab in the middle of a Hydra base?"

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