2. Rich

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I woke up to the call to prayer and it took me a few seconds to remember who and where I was and just as I did,my mood deflated. I shifted my position in my tiny bed on the upper bunk, closed my eyes and willed my mind to take me someplace happy.

When I opened my eyes, I was still in bed but this time the bed was super soft and wide enough for me to spread my body like a starfish. I grinned and carefully, slowly took in my surroundings as if any rough movements would ruin the bliss I felt at that moment.

The room was huge and cozy. The ceiling was decorated like a starry moonlit cloudless night. There was a bedside table with a clock reading 4am, a phone, a laptop and a few books littered around in an almost artistic manner. The walls were covered in a mural with different shades of my favorite colour-purple. There was a walk-in closet a few metres from my bed but I didn't even bother wondering what it held. There was another door that signified the presence of a bathroom and I figured my imaginary family must be pretty loaded.

'My mind sure is capable of endless beauty' I thought to myself and smiled.

I decide to leave the bed and explore the house before returning to my boring reality. I walked to the door, slowly opened it and stepped out being careful not to make any noise. It was like I forgot that I was only going to experience whatever I wanted because I was in control but I went along with it anyway, the excitement I was feeling was worth every weirdness I put forward.

There was a wide corridor just outside my room with one door adjacent mine and another a few metres after that. I moved close to the adjacent doors where I heard the soft snores of what could only be my parents, I smiled, moved to the other room and waited for some indication of life but got nothing so I opened the door just to satisfy my curiosity and found that it was empty.

'I guess whatever siblings I might have are on some kind of break or maybe I'm an only child' I wondered, shrugged and walked off.

I skipped down the stairs and admired the smoothly polished wooden railings and the rough cream colored floor tiles. I headed straight for the kitchen and I was amazed by what I came up with. The walls were a cool ash colour, the floor tiles were cream colored and rough to the feet like the rest of the house I had explored. There were several beautifully polished wooden cabinets with golden coloured locks. There was also a big round wooden table in the center. The sink was clean and sparkling. Plates were arranged in a random manner that still managed to look beautiful to me. The fridge was huge and I just couldn't resist opening to see what I managed to stash in there; the sight before me made me sigh weakly I just had to sit in the closest chair to me.  Several tubs of different flavored icecream stared back at me, cartons of milk, an insane amount of cookies mostly chocolate flavoured and some leftover food.

'Wow, girl! Sweet tooth much?' I raised my eyebrow as if I was talking to someone else.
I thought about checking out the living room but decided against, I figured it would be just as enormous and amazing and beautiful as every other part of this house. I just decided to stare a little longer at my assortment of goodies so I relaxed in my seat, propped up my feet onto the table and enjoyed the view of all the sweet stuffs I could be enjoying instead of being stuck in a boarding school for the sake of education.

After I had my fill, I shut the fridge, went back up the stairs taking everything all in, got into my room, laid on the soft bed for a little while before deciding it was time to return to reality.

I opened my eyes to find my roommates getting ready to freshen up and say their morning prayers for the day. I felt myself shudder at the thought of another school term and then joined them in the activities. The day should be good since I already gave myself a reasonable dose of happy thoughts.
'Lets get this over with'...

Anyone here with a sweet tooth?
What's your favorite ice cream flavour?

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