1. Meet Me

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'School...' I frowned at the thought.
You're probably smiling, thinking - I know exactly how you feel- but I doubt that.

Don't get me wrong, I love books and school is filled with books especially the library of course, but that doesn't mean I like the entire idea of school itself. I mean, it's filled with different kinds of people from different kinds of backgrounds with different kinds of traditions and opinions, it's kinda hard to keep up with. And then there's the two categories of people: students and staff.

I don't even know which set of people annoys me more: the students with their obviously stupid social hierarchies and class hierarchies, unnecessary gossiping and poke-nosing, cliques and so on; or the staff (teaching and non-teaching) not minding their business always thinking it's automatic for students to consider them parents and always trying to give advise regardless of if their opinions were asked for or not.

And then... There's the environment itself, so depressing, filled with flowers that are not properly tended to, a large space of land with uneven distribution of grass that shouldn't qualify as a field but is used as such anyways, classrooms that are just ok but not exactly as I wish it was, library that has a countable number of books- which are not exactly unique because most students already have their own- arranged in a completely unattractive way, snack vendors that are not exactly creative because they assume every student wants the same kind of snacks everyday (I mean, seriously!) and school buses that are not enough in number or space for the number of students enrolled in the school.
By now you should have figured out I'm a highschooler.
I might feel a tad bit better of I only had 8 hours to spend within these depressing walls for only 5 days of the week and I could spend part of those hours imagining the comfort I'd get when I'm finally done for the day and I'm in my soft big bed in my personally decorated room in my parents house... But I don't because it's a mixed school (day & boarding students) and I just happen to be among the lucky ones that live in the school hostel every term. Ha ha! NOT

What if I told you I preferred this depressing walls to the dormitory where I lay my head to rest. Surprised, right? Well, I do. Why? Because in school, even as crowded as it is, I get enough time to live in my personally created bubble for as long as I want and at the same time catch on to whatever is going on around me definitely not in details but at least to some extent, and this is because in class while the teacher is going on and on about whatever, the other students are quiet because nobody wants to get in trouble for disrupting the class and I can get the peace and quiet I need to drift off to wherever I want.

In the hostel, on the other hand, everybody is all up in everybody's business intentionally or unintentionally cos it's kinda hard not to be when you share a room with about 9 or 7 other people. The dinning/break/reading room is another illustration of how everybody's all up in everybody's business. I mean it's bad enough you don't get to chose or decide what you'll eat, it's even worse if you decide to watch the food being served cos you get to see people acting all rowdy making unnecessary complaints and in turn spitting in your food. At least, if you don't see it, you can eat the food telling yourself it's the best in the world. I love the days we eat bread cos that way I'm certain that the only people whose spits have likely come in contact with it are the bakers' before it was packaged....

Now you're probably wondering, is she the antisocial kid with no friends? Oh no! I've got friends, most of which are in a lower class than I am, my favorite and best friend is a day student so we only got to spend time during school hours. I have acquaintances among my classmates but I never really got close enough to consider them friends.

My name is Miriam and I love the world in my head better than the one I live in.

So... What do you think?

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