#11 - The Accident

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Matthew grabbed his change of clothes and phone off the seat, ducking out of the hospital room. His father didn't even try to stop him.


"Look at you," Jared regarded Matthew with a certain smugness. "Out of the hospital already?"

Matthew ignored the snide comment. "I need more," he breathed. "Anything." His gaze flickered to Jared's friends gathered in the living room behind him. He recognised some familiar faces from last night.

Matthew felt his cheeks burning, but he was too impatient for embarrassment. If he didn't get anything to quench this undeniable need within the next few minutes, he worried about what would happen next.

His head was already pounding and his legs felt like jelly. It'd taken all his strength to find Jared and most of his pride to plead on his doorstep.

For a terrifying moment, Jared was silent.

"I'm sorry, Matthew, but I can't put you through this anymore."

Matthew froze, his chest heaving as he gave Jared an imploring look. "What?"

"To see you like this," Jared shook his head. "It's a nightmare for me. You almost died."

"I don't care!" Matthew cried. "I-I-" His hands shook uncontrollably.

"No, Matthew," Jared said decidedly. "I have to act responsibly here." Smugness flickered across his face, eyes flashing with a dark triumph.

Responsibly? Matthew wanted to scream. You stole my first times for so many things.

You gave me my first taste of drugs.

You got me drunk and high last night.

You got me in that hospital.

This is your fault.

And you can't even help me when I need it the most?

Matthew couldn't control the unevenness of his breathing as he backed away, shaking his head. He was too tired, too sickly to scream at anyone right now.

"Mr Campbell."

Matthew turned away from Jared, the door shutting behind him like a closed pathway.

Phil, his bodyguard, stood by a black limousine.

"I know, I know," Matthew's voice cracked. He stumbled down to the car, leaning against the metal, eyes squeezed shut.

He'd never experienced this before. Matthew had never had an issue like this before. He'd never craved drugs this badly before, as if everything in his life depended on it.

The aching wouldn't stop unless he got it, Matthew knew that. And Jared just left him to suffer.

"Sorry," Matthew mumbled. "I'm a mess."

For the first time in his entire life, Matthew saw Phil's stony facade falter to show an emotion; sympathy.

When they reached the house, Matthew caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror. God, he looked worse than death itself. His cheeks were gaunt, and his skin was pale and clammy.

"Matt?" James' small voice came from the kitchen. His brother stood in the hallway, staring in horror at him. Matthew brushed past him silently, not saying a word.

That was how Matthew ended up a quivering mess in his bedroom, curled up in his bed. Bottles of alcohol had already been emptied out in vain. After his second bottle of whiskey, Matthew realised that alcohol wasn't going to fix something like this.

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