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This Book Contains

1. Queer—Overly—Dramatic—Characters. Whose judgement and point of views reflect their personality so the author isn't responsible for it. Trust me there's a reason behind why they are like that, don't go jumping to conclusions. Okay?

2. Swearing and Putanginas if you are quite a conservative and you don't think its appropriate for the readers. Trust me it is and trust me, everyone swears in the real world you're just naive — you'll get used to it. I have to reiterate this one because people don't read the first part of the book instead jumps to the first chapter.

3. An Actual Plot If you think this was just made out of boredom or a spurt of the moment. No, you are wrong there's actually a plot for this — the problem is I don't know how to put them since I'm not good at english and can't express my vast imagination that well — also, I did research to further my own understanding of wha these bįtches should act like so expect that this will be quite brain-wrecking since they often speak in tongues of sophistication.

4. Homo-Erotica I can't escape writing spg chapters so don't worry I'll try and lessen them this time.

5. Horror-Comedy is the genre so don't expect much of a drama and love. It's pure comedy to be honest since I'll be tackling how gay these characters are. And if you think this is a nonsense story —NO — there's actually depth and character development every once in a while, I wanted to write this story because I want to give some morals and to tackle about social issues regarding LGBTQ people.

6. LGBTQ story well that explains why there's a rainbow and an icon on it's cover. I don't need to further explain it. I think it's self-explanatory. So if you are not interested might as well just go away.

7. Twists and Turns. And lastly,

8. If Grammar matters to you. I'm sorry I'm an idiot. I write without even revising and re-reading. I have my own thoughts and im happy to share them here and write it. This book will be subject for further revision once it's done (but I don't know if it will be finished immediately, since I'm still writing it and the gang will have quite a long journey)

While comments and reviews are appreciated, remember each one of us has his own perception when it comes to the word "criticism" and I guess if you're going to criticise other people's work you know the difference between 'constructive' and 'destructive' right?

There's someone on the other side of this screen you're reading and he's a person — the author — who is always excited to know what thoughts does his readers have with regards to this book. If they like it or not. So I suggest you comment at least something — to motivate us 'writers' into writing.

And also, if you're just going to criticise my works might as well explain why it actually sucks?

Well I guess that's all there is to it.

I think I'll go and activate the tag-lish mode on this one. Toodles.

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