A Squire's Bravery (Part 2/3)

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The sun had finished setting. Flynn was too ashamed to return to Rónán. He took a walk until he could decide on the best plan of action.

Footsteps sounded to the left. A man emerged wearing a black hood that shaded his face. "You know what the document says, don't you?" His voice was strong and urgent. 

Flynn shook his head.

"I am desperate to know the words on that paper. Give it to me this once." The hooded figure moved his coat to the side revealing a fancy dagger. "Do not make this difficult."

A thunderous crash filled the night as the masked figure fell over. Someone struck a rock to the back of his head.

The person who saved Flynn was the female bandit. "We should run," she said.

Flynn followed the red-haired bandit into the night. The pair stopped outside a cottage in the woods. The woman ran inside and bolted the door shut. "Who are you, and why is that document important?" she demanded.

"I—I don't know."

The woman had a knife to Flynn's throat in a flash. "I said, who are you, and why is that document important?" she ordered once again.

"I—I can't tell you," Flynn said shaking.

The woman shook her head. She pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Flynn to her kitchen table. "You will remain cuffed until you answer my question."

"Before I answer, tell me who you are."

"My name is Bridget. I'm in charge of the bandits in this city. And since I saved your life, I think you own me an answer."

Flynn weighed his options and decided that the only way he could live is by answering her questions. "My name is Flynn. I'm a squire. The document contains a secret that would pull the king from his throne."

"What would this secret sell for?" Bridget asked.

"You can't sell it. Please."

Bridget heard the distress in Flynn's voice. "Fine. If what you say is true, I will give you back your document. The king does not deserve to have his kingdom pulled from him. He delivered us from war. Despite having to raise the taxes, he is the first noble king this kingdom has seen in many generations." Bridget uncuffed the squire. "Go," she demanded.

Flynn returned to Rónán with the paper. Rónán looked pleased. "Go to this address," the knight informed. "Someone will be there to take the document from you."

The squire arrived at a house. He knocked, and a man answered. "Give me the paper," he demanded.

Flynn obeyed.

"Tell the knight that I will fulfill my part if he fulfills his."

The squire returned to Rónán. "I did as you asked."

The knight nodded. "You have done well. When I overthrow the king, I will reward you heavily."

The squire blinked. "What are you talking about?"

Rónán grinned wickedly. "The document contained a false birth certificate showing that the king is not a part of the royal family. The person you gave it to is the palace's scribe. I gave him a hefty amount of gold to say that the certificate is real. By next week, the kingdom will overthrow the king."

"How dare you betray our king!" Flynn screamed and ran from the room. He needed to find the scribe before it was too late.

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