Tracy shook her head and looked at Cotton, "I see what you mean by annoying... another Reilly." Tracy sighed thinking of her stepbrother and good friend. Something had seemed off when she saw him last.


Reilly had come back from a week-long absence when dropped off Firelight. Instead of his usually carefree joking self, he was serious like something was bothering him.

Jack asked when he was heading to the other packs to find his mate.

"I have no mate." was the curt reply.

Reilly had to fight his own father that day to keep him from hurting anyone when Jordan Baines suddenly went feral. Jack wanted to demand as Alpha that Reilly tell him what was wrong. But Carla intervened.

He still cracked jokes and flirted but there was no light in his eyes or humor in his spurious laughter. Whatever happened it changed Reilly. He showed up to the Beta's office at the pack house early and stayed late throwing himself into pack duties and training.

End of flashback...

"Or at least an old version of the new Reilly," Tracy amended.

"Heads up we're turning." Night said, "The place we're headed to is the Desert Rose Pack. They've declared war on the Diamondback Coven. Lord Mallory, as you know, has hooked up with the Prince Grime and his mascots. Sooo... we're looking at a potential bloodbath. Luckily we brought some soap."

He snickered, "Ha! Get it? Bloodbath? Soap?"

"You're a mess." Cotton huffed crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well we're almost to the disaster site." Night chuckled.

"How do we fight this?" Tracy asked.

"Same way you fought off the monsters before. You'll have help when we get there."

"I'm coming with you."

"No Cotton, you stay with the vehicles." Tracy said.

"Nonsense girl. This isn't my first battle." Cotton said with a wink, "I swing a mean battleaxe."

Tracy took in her friend's earnest expression and remembered the axe Lucy had given her in Chapter 6, "Well alright then."

(Author's Note: What? It was kind of an obscure reference).


The old pick up truck came to a grinding halt in front of the gate that led to the Desert Rose Community. Crim rolled down the window and punched in the gate code with shaky hands. Twenty minutes later, they pulled up to the large pack house.

Shadow hopped out and waited for Crim. The Delta came out to greet them.

"We don't have time for pleasantries. Prince Grim will be here soon. Take me to the Alpha."

The Delta mindlinked Alpha Matteo before leading them to a specious office. An older man sat behind a large desk typing on a laptop. Pausing he looked at them over the rim of his reading glasses. "Crim. It's good to see you again. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson. I hope all went well."

"It did. The Creator has truly blessed our family." Crim turned slightly to his right and waved towards his companion, "This is Shadow Niger. She is a clairvoyant and can foresee future events."

"The Diamondback Coven will attack this evening right before the sun falls past the horizon. You must lead your wolves to meet them. I will place markers in the field, no one is to pass that point. The moment the sun falls completely, retreat behind your walls. There is nothing else you can do. Others will be in place to protect your pack."

"Our wolves outnumber the coven. It should be an easy battle."

"No." Shadow said, "A witch has provided them with an enhancement potion. This witch is tied to the Prime Purity."

The Alpha snorted, "The Illuminati of supernaturals?"

"The Prime Purity is the reason that Prince Grim and his Reapers would wipe out every man, woman, and pup here. They helped him escape from the prison he was banished to."

Alpha Velaz regards Shadow with a serious expression as he considered her words.

"If my instructions are followed to a T then we can save your pack. If not, there will be no one left to bury the bodies."

The stoic man looked over to the man he had known for decades, "How do you know she can be trusted."

Crim met the Alpha's steady gaze, "Sir this young woman predicted many things to me several years ago. Including the death of Demon Wilde, the former Rogue King, where and when my daughter would meet her mate and the exact day my grandchild would be born. If she said that these things can happen then I believe they will."

The Alpha was silent a moment before nodding, "We will follow what you say for now but make no mistake," he warned, "If, at any time, I think that this is a trap or my people are in danger I will personally hunt you down."

"I accept your condition. But remember the second the sun goes down, order your men to retreat."


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Here's some nursery rhymes I just changed up:

Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water... because someone clogged up the sink again.

Mary had a little lamb... her husband is demanding a paternity test.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick... Jack's not very smart jumping over a candlestick.

Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater... he also enjoyed squash and zucchini.

Little Bo Peep lost her sheep... and is now unemployed.

Thank you and goodnight!

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