Chapter 71: Skills

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(Written By: Mycupofteaplease Edited By: Suziemenro)

As the year went on, Hanz grew to be a mighty warrior, unstoppable in combat. Mastering all seven forms of lightsaber combat with his purple and blue lightsabers. Ben was so proud of his son, but he worried about the boy because he was too much like Ben himself. The dark voice kept whispering in Hanz's mind but with the help of his sister, he resisted its sweet whispering of tempting offers of power but eventually, he gave in and learned the ways of the Darkside.

Lucas's abilities only grew stronger under his Master's teaching, he had his lessons in secret under the cover of night in the Temple tombs. Master Mace Windu helped him in combat, though he was not as good as his brother he could still hold his own against the dead Jedi, he also taught him how to control his emotions. Master Qui-Gon Jinn helped him with his force abilities, teaching him how to feel the force and the ways of the Jedi. Sometimes Master Yoda would check in on his progress towards the Lightside. With the Jedi Masters and his parent's teaching, Lucas became the most powerful force user in the Galaxy.

As for Ani, she was a true grey Jedi; understanding both the Light and Dark Sides of the force. Her force abilities and lightsaber combat grew strong but nothing compared her brothers. She proved to be the best young pilot in the Galaxy, she would sneak on the Millennium Falcon at night and just fly. On one occasion she bet her grandfather Kessel Run record in under ten parsecs at the age of fourteen. She made her own modifications and improved upon the Falcon, bringing the old ship back to its former glory. Eventually, both Ben and Rey gave up on grounding their daughter on her late-night avengers and just told her to take uncle Chewy with her when she does go out.

Life was good as it could be in the Galaxy far, far away but with all things; change is inevitable.

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