Chapter 67: Lesson

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(Written By: Mycupofteaplease Edited By: Suziemenro)

As the first few years went by, things at the Temple continued to remain peaceful. By the time the triplets were able to walk, they started training with their parents on basic force and combat abilities. Ben and Rey originally wanted to wait till they were older so the triplets could have more time to just be children, but this quickly changed when Leia had told them the horror stories of raising Ben and the day he found his abilities. The last thing they needed was their three very sweet, very innocent children accidentally destroying the Gray Jedi Temple because they didn't understand what was going on with them. As the children aged, it was becoming more clear what each child's skill set is. Rey and Ben noticed Hanz's mastery of the toy lightsaber they had gifted their children last Life Day and Lucas' strong abilities to quickly master basic force abilities, however; they worried about their sweet little Ani. She had proven herself to be an excellent pilot in the making; when Ben found their two-year daughter starting up the Millennium Falcon for take-off without any supervision. The sight had practically given Ben a heart attack as he rushed to put a stop to the little girl game. Both him and Rey worried about her force and combat abilities, she was scared of what could happen with lightsaber combat combined with her own capabilities; Ani hated the idea of harming any kind of creepy crawling creature that found their way into her room. They found out about her fear of the weapon when Ben had shown his children his own lightsaber. He shared with them the whole story behind it, knowing one day they would hear the full tale from others anyways. The kids were very curious about the lightsaber, and all of them came close to examine the hilt that sparkled in the sunlight. Once he ignited the white blade however; Ani had run to hide behind her mother as little shakes of terror took over her body; unlike her brothers, especially Hanz had shown interest in the weapon. The more training the children had received, the more Rey and Ben realized how much weaker Ani was in the force than her brothers. Lucas could already levitate Ben in the air as if he were a feather while Ani struggled to do so with the smallest of pebbles. Hanz was able to allow the force to guide him during basic combat training while Ani still struggled to reach out to it even during meditation. Ben wanted nothing more than for his daughter to be able to defend herself if force forbids something was to happen to them. Rey could sense her husband's worries for their daughter and made it a point to reassure him every night that Ani was just a late bloomer like she once was and that she would get it eventually.

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