Be positive!

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The peaceful atmosphere was shattered by the mocking ring of Evie's phone going off.

Time's up.

The purple-haired girl was staring into space, eyes unmoving from the pristine marble.

Evie sighed.

Staring back at them were two plus signs.
Positive: they were positive.
Mal was pregnant.

"Okay," Evie said, "So, you are pregnant."

"I told you so."

"You know, I'm going to let that go."

A male voice cut in, muffled by the wood of the door, "What does to say?"

Evie looked to Mal, who waved her hand non-commitally as she slumped onto the closed toilet seat.
With a sigh, Evie opened the oaken door and gave a slight nod.

"Ah, so as expected the," Carlos said, attempting a stoicism.

"Are you going to keep it?" Jay asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Whatever you wish to do, Mal - we will support you," Evie hummed, rubbing a hand along Mal's forearm.

"Of course."

"I think," Mal said, puffing up her chest," I think, I will."

"Okay - you don't owe us an explanation, or anyone anything for that matter," Carlos said , sitting on the edge of the bath tub next to Mal.

"We are a family," Evie said, in a voice that could inspire confidence into any poor, unfortunate soul.

"I hate to ask," Carlos began, "But what about Ben? And what about Harry - How are you going to tell him? Are you going to tell him?

"Oh god, Carlos," Evie groaned, "We were trying to stay positive, pardon the pregnancy pun."

Mal laughed at that, "E, it's fine. But he's right. What do I do?" She said looking at her friends.

"I mean," Jay started, catching everyone's attention, "I say you break up with him. It's not like he's a great boyfriend."

"It's also not fair to him - you don't love him," Mal frowned about to cut in when Carlos continued, "Jay's right Mal."

"I think, you're right," Mal conceded.
And with that decision made, it felt like a weight had finally been lifted off of her shoulders; she could finally breathe.
"I am going to tell Harry."

"Okay," Evie nodded, "I think that's a good idea."

"How are you guys since we left?"

Mal felt a wave of sick burn the base of her throat at the thought of their departure, "Well - to put it simply, I think he hates me."

"Oh." [Collective, once again].

"I guess I just-" Mal let out a frustrated sigh, "I left him, and oh god but he begged me to stay and I still left. Not only did I leave, but then Ben happened. I can only imagine how he must think of me," Mal finished, her voice coming out in shaky articulations.
"Do you think he'll hate me - and the baby?" The last words came out as a whisper, and for one of the first times in their lives, the VKs actually saw the fear in Mal's eyes.

"I wish we could tell you, Mal," Evie said, squeezing Mal's arms.
VKs weren't the types to give false hope.


"I think we should tell fairy godmother," Evie said, dangling off of the side of the bed upside down. They all looked at her like she'd grown an extra head.

"What?" Carlos asked.

"Well, think about it. Mal is going to need medical help on the down-low. Fairy godmother can help us with the hospital thing and some other stuff. She knows what she's doing. She can help us," Evie explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"She's right," Mal said simply.

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