miya🦋-dani! hey girl

bal💚-glad you could make it !

Dani-haha i know, sorry for being "late" i was just enjoying some anniversary festivities with ryan😏

jade🌺- oh, good to know i wasn't the only one to get laid tonight

carls- jade, i thought you said you didn't go to pound town?😂

jade🌺- i know, i know i didn't. kinda wishing i did though . anyways! happy anniversary girlfriend!

pj🐝-yeah!! happy anniversary!

bal💚-feels like you guys have been married for like ever!

Dani-thank you!! i know, it does! but it's only been a few years

piper🥀-so i cant help but ask, what was that about nolan??

miya🦋- fr! i saw he commented, i thought he was over you?

Dani-i thought so too, but i guess not

carls - how did ryan take it?

eden🌿- i'm sure he was a little bothered, but knowing ryan, i'm sure it wasn't a horrible reaction, right dani?

Dani- he didn't really seem upset, just confused like the rest of us

Vanna🌻-maybe nolan was just being nice? i know you guys ended things on OK terms, so maybe this is his way of trying to get in your good graces ?

eden🌿- yeah! i'm sure it's nothing dani

jade🌺-exactly, i wouldn't look too much into it. if you're worried, message him! or have ryan message him?

Dani- you're right girls, thank you❤️

eden🌿- of course!

pj🐝- if i were you, i'd wait a little bit. see if nolan messages you or comments again . if he does either, message him and see what's going on!

piper🥀-that's what i would do! i remember kris' girlfriend jessie having the same problem. this guy named jared would not stop flirting with her and commenting on her posts, so both kris and jessie took matters into their own hands, and jared eventually left her alone; after many confrontations that is. but you'll be fine dani!

carls- the girls are right, you got this!


Vanna🌻- 💪

Dani- thank you for the advice girls, i don't know what i would do without y'all

miya🦋-lost af. but i would be lost with you😊

bal💚- same here

carls-  so what was it with corey seager saying  he was going to crash girls night?😂

Vanna🌻- i have no idea😂 juts corey being the dumbass he is

bal💚- at least he's hot


pj🐝 - speaking of girls night? when are we all getting together for those gummy bear martinis?!

piper🥀- i'll take girls night and gummy bears! but i'll have to put a rain check on the martinis for another 6 months😫

eden🌿- i'm sorry girl, but it will all be worth it trust me!

Dani- i say we do girls night next month maybe? that's the only time i'll be able to get off of work!

bal💚- sounds good to me!

miya🦋- next month it is! assuming everyone else is good with that?

Vanna🌻-  you know i'm in! i can finally find out what those gummy bear martinis taste like😋

carls- me too vanna!

jade🌺-as much as i would love to continue talking , duty calls

piper 🥀- yep, i gots babies to save! bye loves!

bal💚-see you later ladies!

Vanna🌻- signing off, talk to y'all later!

miya🦋-bye bishes!


hey loves! sorry if this groupchat was a little sloppy, i tried my best! i'm still trying to figure out how to make these group chats good, haha! i'm really loving this book though, i have so many ideas! there might be a couple more updates tonight, but if not tonight then definitely tomorrow! let me know what you think about this chat, and the book so far! i love getting your guys' feedback! hope you all are doing well, and staying healthy!

lots of love,

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