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hey loves! i'm back with another apply fic idea that i am PRAYING works out for me this time!! my others have been a total bust and i'm so sorry! but i think a social media fic is the way to go! they seem super fun and easier to write too! anyways, on with the form!

•love interest
•personality (short and sweet :)
•relationship: married, dating, engaged, friends with benefits, etc)
•any kids? (now or future)
•groupchat names
•any extras? (can be past exs, enemies, any secrets your character or love interest has, all of this helps me come up with ways to incorporate some drama! if there's nothing don't worry, i don't absolutely need anything extra!)
•tags (optional)

i'm super excited to start this! i'll keep casting open for at least a few days until i get enough people to apply! that's all for now loves!

lots of love,

all for the gram ||an mlb social media apply ficWhere stories live. Discover now