.:amajiki tamaki x male reader:.

Start from the beginning

"Didn't think it was important." I shrugged.

"Oh no way, doesn't matter to any of us if you're gay or not! I was just thinking you could've went to pride with me and Izuku last year!" Mirio smiled, "Okay, here we are. 'Nana's cake shop'... cute name!"

He opened the door and we were greeded by the smell of fresh cakes and batter. I smiled as I inhaled the smell of all the sweets.

"Mmm, I'm definitely gonna get that red velvet. It looks so yummy." Nejire said as we walked up to the counter. She ordered first, then me, then Mirio. Then it was Tamaki's turn. He froze up.

"C'mon Tamaki it's alright." Mirio urged him to order, but Tamaki just stuttered out an "I-I-I-" and couldn't get anything else out. I put a gentle hand on his shoulder and ordered for him, I knew what his favorite kind of cake was because of Nejire's birthday party a few weeks ago.

"A slice of that chocolate cake over there, please." The woman behind the counter nodded at me with a smile before going to retrieve all of our cakes.

I took my hand off Tamaki's shoulder as Mirio gave me a frown and a slight glare. I rose an eyebrow at his expression but didn't have time to ask about it because we got our cake slices. They were in to-go boxes and came with plastic forks since the slices were a bit large and most people can't finish that much at once.

We sat down at an empty table. Nejire was sitting by the window, with me next to her on the outer edge of the table. Mirio was across from Nejire and Tamaki was across from me.

"Tamaki needs to learn to do things for himself and get over his anxieties, L/n." Mirio said, before I even got a chance to bite my cake. What is he, Tamaki's mom? He can make his own damn choices, Mirio can't force him to do anything.

"You aren't his mother. If he wants to do that, he can. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to." I said, taking a bite of my cake. Tamaki was becoming increasingly more figety and visibly uncomfortable with us arguing over him. "Just leave it alone, Mirio."

"You aren't my mother. You can't tell me what to do." Mirio sounded very childish. "If he ever wants to be a real pro hero he has to get over his fears. Not that you would know anything about being a pro."

Nejire took a sharp inhale and gave Mirio a look that said, 'dude, wtf'. They all knew I've wanted to be a pro since I was a kid, but settled for the support course since I'm quirkless and don't have much strength.

"I..." I couldn't even get words out, i was so pissed off. My brows furrowed in anger at Mirio and I grit my teeth.

"I'm just saying it like it is. You don't know the first thing about hero work, all you know is how to make gadgets for them-" Mirio was cut off by me standing up, making my chair squeak against the floor loudly.

"You know what, Togata? Shut the fuck up. No. Stop trying to talk, It's your turn to listen to me for once in your life. I'm tired of you acting like you know everything about everyone, like you know what's best for everybody else. I don't know what the hell's with you lately but you've been acting like a dick and I'm really fucking over it. Why don't you let me know when you're ready to treat other people like actual human beings instead of pieces in some huge puzzle or some shit that you think you have control over, alright? I'm going home. I really shouldn't have come today." I said. Nejire, Tamaki, and Mirio all looked at me speechless. I guess that makes sense, that's probably the most they've heard me say at once in a long time.

I sighed and shoved my chair back into place before angrily stomping out the door. I know his heart was in the right place, but he needs to find better ways to get his point across, because forcing Tamaki to do shit and insulting my dreams of being a hero wasn't the way to go.

Just after i stepped out the doorway, I felt a hand grab my wrist. I quickly turned and gave the person a glare, thinking it was Mirio, but my gaze softened when I saw Tamaki's nervous face looking back at me.

"C-Can I come w-with you?"

.: mini timeskip :.

My walk to the park with Tamaki was mostly silent, aside from me kicking a pebble down the sidewalk as I went. You could probably cut the tension with a knife.

We finally made it there and sat on a little bench on the outskirts of the park, on opposite ends. As far away as you could possible be while sitting on the same bench.

He probably wants to tell me I need to butt out and stop bringing him into my drama with Mirio and that he never wants to talk to me again and-

"Thank you."

What? Oh. Okay.

"It's, uh, it's no problem. I really lost my temper back there. I'm sorry if I scared you." This time I was the one avoiding eye contact with him, usually it's the other way around.

Alright, Y/n, might as well say it since we're already here, "I'm.. also sorry If i made you uncomfortable. Not just today but like, in general. I know I used to try to flirt with you sometimes and since I just told you all I'm gay earlier it probably just weirded you out even more. I...don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me. So I'm sorry."


"I also get it if you don't really wanna talk to me though. I was an asshole to Mirio and you guys are best friends so-"

"Y-You used t-to flirt with me?"


".....I thought you-you were j-just being nice.."

"Just being nice-? I asked you to prom and called you 'pretty boy'." I finally turned to look at him and he had a deep red blush staining his cheeks.

"I-I thought you m-meant in... in a f-friend way." he mumbled, averting his eyes once he realized I was returning his gaze, "...I'm gay, too."


"...F-For you."


"I-I've had feelings f-for you for like three y-y-years but I-I was t-to shy to say anythi-thing."


"A-Are you j-just gonna keep s-saying oh-"

"Can I kiss you... Amajiki?"

"O-O-Oh." The ravenette stuttered out. "Um- I-"

"We don't have to if you don't want to, I ju-"

I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. "Mmph!"

I quickly realized what was happening, though, and smiled into the kiss. He cupped his hands to my face, and I closed my eyes and brought my hands to his waist, pulling him closer to me and slightly rubbing circles in his skin with my hand. "Y-Y/n~"

The moan was muffled, but I definitely heard it. He quickly pulled away and stuttered out an apology, but I just laughed. "It's ok, Tamaki. It was cute"

"I- Um- I-I-" he was even more flustered than before and tried to change the subject, "I brought cake! D-Do you wanna share?"

"Sure, cutie."

i like this chapter a lot better than my last 2 :p remember to leave requests on the req chapter or my messages!

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