.:katsuki bakugou x male reader:.

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starting off with my boy katsuki!!! i luv him sm he deserves the world

quick little disclaimer, i haven't finished season 4 yet and have never read any of the manga, so if any info is a bit off i apologize. i'll try to make everyone as in character as possible.

y/n - first name
l/n - last name

title: shut up

trigger warnings: none


It was a pretty calm day for my class, which was kind of saying a lot since it seemed like somebody nearly died every other day. Mr, Aizawa had decided to give us a bit of a break from physical training today and let us have a study period, which was probably the result of Present Mic telling him we needed some rest. He's pretty much the only person Mr. Aizawa takes any advice from, so it wouldn't surprise me.

Since we had a free period, I moved my desk to be closer to my friend Jirou. That also meant i was a lot closer to Bakugou and Midoriya than I usually was. Would I normally have an issue with this? No. I actually quite like Midoriya, even if he does act like an idiot sometimes. But Bakugou is a major asshole and starts shit with Midoriya. All. The. Time. The reason why Aizawa keeps them seated next to eachother is beyond me.

"Stop fucking mumbling, stupid Deku! I'm trying to study!" Bakugou said. He wasn't really yelling but he's... naturally very loud.

"Katsuki... you don't even have a book open, you literally just sent me a meme on Twitter." Kirishima butted into their argument, which was less of an argument and more Bakugou being pissed off at random shit.

"Shut the hell up Shitty Hair I didn't ask you!"

"Jesus Christ, does he ever shut up?" I whispered to Jirou, who just sighed and rolled her eyes at Bakugou before putting her earbuds in and going on her phone. She's never been a fan of Bakugou's yelling, so she tends to do this a lot.

"Oi, what the fuck did you just say about me... er..." Bakugou drew a blank trying to rememver my name. "Whatever the fuck your name is, Pretty Boy!?"

"I- Did you just call me pretty?" I laughed, "My name is L/n Y/n and I would like you to shut the hell up, please. Some people are trying to enjoy the quiet."

"Don't fucking tell me to shut the hell up, damn extra! I'll do whatever I want!"

"Shit dude, chill. I was literally just asking you to be quiet and stop screaming at people. No need to be an ass." I kept my normal volume, but Bakugou's yelling alone was enough to wake Aizawa, who'd previously been taking a nap behind his desk.

"Bakugou and L/n! Another word from either of you and you'll BOTH be held back from our training session at the pool tomorrow and I'll make you clean the dorms instead." The teacher said, gaining the attention of the whole class. He was obviously fed up with bakugou too, and since he was cranky from being woken up be dragged me into the punishment as well.

"That's unfair! Bakugou was the one doing the yelling, not me!"

"What did I just say Mr. L/n? Both of you meet me in the dorm's lobby tomorrow before we all leave for the pool. I'll give you your list of chores then." Aizawa told us, making some of my classmates snicker at our misfortune.

I say with my mouth agape for a few seconds before slouching back in my chair and groaning. I should've just stayed quiet.

"Tch, but I'm the one who can't keep his mouth shut, huh Pretty Boy?"

.:timeskip to when you're in the lobby the next day before the pool:.

"You two need to learn to get along. You bicker in class all the time like an old married couple, and honestly? It's annoying. Here's a list of chores for you two to do, I'll leave it up to you both to split them up. Work together." Aizawa gave us a small lecture before handing Bakugou a slip of paper, which was apparently a to-do list. "And try not to burn the place down while I'm gone, okay?"

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