Zayn was staring out of the kitchen window at the vehicles racing to their destinations when he sensed Harry behind him. Then he turned, and all brooding thoughts fizzled from his brain.

Harry was in a white clingy creation, with the vertical straps emphasizing his gentle curves and edges. With his hair, the slight delicious curls cascading over his shoulders, he looked like some Greek god. The soft material draped across his torso almost lovingly, and the lace gloves looking lovely, completed him. Beneath Zayn's unabashed staring, goosebumps spread over Harry's skin.

"Is my dress looking alright?" Harry nervously tugged at the straps, tweaking it into place.

"You're more than alright."

Amazingly, after everything they'd done together, after every body part Zayn had teased, kissed and caressed, Harry blushed.

Zayn would never get tired of seeing him blush.

Harry swallowed, suddenly breathless and more than a little hot. It was as if Zayn wanted to rip off his dress right then and there. And heaven help Harry, he wanted to let him.

Instead, Harry let his gaze roam over his husband-to-be. Zayn had opted for a black suit, looking like a Hollywood movie star in his smart buttoned suit and the crisp white shirt beneath it, with black strips on the collar. His hair on point styled into perfection, with a fringe dangling by the forehead, a little added flaw to the whole, as if to make him seem human enough.

Under Harry's careful study, Zayn grinned. "Acceptable?"

"Definitely. Me?"

"You're beautiful."

Harry swallowed, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Th-thank you."

Zayn reached up, almost as if he was going to touch his cheek. Harry noticed a hesitation that revealed more than any words could.

Doubt swamped him. Harry had spent the better part of the day with Charlotte and Daisy, first nailing down the last minute details, then thoroughly pampered with a half-day intensive makeover. Buoyed by the anticipation of the coming night, Lottie had expressed her future vision for Tomlinsons'. Despite Harry's joy that Zayn is present in those plans, Lottie's predictions only served to intensify the glaring differences between her and the Tomlinsons, widening that gap even more.

Now Zayn's palm on his cheek seared his skin, branding Harry forever. "I need to tell you something."

Harry leaned into the touch, revelling in the gentle intimacy. "Yeah?"

"Sam is going to announce our joint chairmanship tonight."

Harry eased away with a confused smile. "You and Sam will be running Tomlinsons together?"

Zayn nodded, absently running his thumb pad over the curve of Harry's cheek. "That's why I've been in all those meetings. He and Lottie are building a house and want to start a family. He's had a shift in priorities."

"I see. That is-- wonderful." It was. Really. The implication for Zayn was huge. It meant he was a trusted family member of the highest standing. Yet all Harry could think of in the glow of Zayn's deep satisfaction was the growing rift between them. It was just another tiny detail to highlight they were two entirely different people.

Harry smiled brightly to cover up his sadness, then glanced at his watch. "We'd better go."

Zayn nodded and placed a hand on Harry's back to lead him out the door. It was a warm brand of possession, one of such erotic simplicity that it made Harry's insides ache. It felt as if every inch of his skin was aware and craved Zayn's touch as if she couldn't get enough of it.

♥ HOW MUCH FOR AN HEIR'S HEART? - ZARRY ♥Where stories live. Discover now