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Charlotte arrived fifteen minutes early on Monday for her emergency meeting with Zayn, taking a seat at the small conference table in his office. Harry had always admired Lottie for her forthrightness, her resilience and the poise she'd retained in the face of the whole Tomlinson's scandal these past few months. As usual, she was impeccable in the grey business shirt and long, tailored skirt, despite the touch of worry in her eyes.

"Zayn isn't running you too ragged, I hope?" she inquired.

Too ragged? Harry's pulse hitched. "No."

"The man is quite..." Lottie trailed off, looking thoughtful, "...intense."

Harry merely nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Thanks to last night, he knew more about Zayn than Lottie had thought possible. Intimate things.

It was bad enough trying to maintain a professional workplace without letting Saturday night take over his brain. Zayn had invaded his dreams, hot, erotic ones that forced him awake in a tangle of sheets and a throbbing between his legs.

"This assignment won't be for much longer," Lottie was saying. "We miss you in PR."

"I miss it too." Harry rose, retrieving a document from the printer while trying to squelch his thoughts. "Listen, I need to talk to you about something..." He trailed off as Zayn, and then Sam Prince walked in the door.

"Later, okay?" Lottie was already turning away, and Harry could do nothing but nod.

As Zayn strode past with a murmured greeting, Harry's body betrayed him. His heart began to pound, and his skin tingled. He glanced away, only to catch the intimate look passing between Sam and Lottie, followed by a small smile on Lottie's lips and the answering gleam in her husband's yees.

They were in love. Despite their turbulent past, they were in deep, head over heels in love. Harry barely had time to swallow his envy before Louis strode in, shattering the moment.

"Have you seen this?" Louis shoved the financial section onto the conference table as Simon entered and closed the door. The heading 'Takeover At Tomlinsons'?' blared out in bold letters.

Zayn shrugged. "The shares are stable."

"For now," Louis replied, unconvinced.

"So some people have seen me about, it was bound to happen. We all know it's the same as the headline 'Gigi Hadid Out, Mystery Woman In'."

Harry flushed as all eyes turned towards him. With his ex Gigi Hadid, taken by Liam Payne now. Did the media think Harry was the new replacement?

Harry glanced at Zayn, whose mouth curved in irony. Unable to look away, Harry focused on those lips for seconds longer than necessary.

Lips that he'd imagined last night, kissing him in places he had never think could react to such soft contact.


"Who? W-where?" he said, stammering.

"Us, in some gossip magazine. It seems we now have a personal relationship. First diamond shopping, then lunch. Who knows where it may lead. Perhaps an office romance?"

Zayn was mocking Harry! That hazel-eyed devil was actually mocking him!

"Which is a good lead-in to this meeting," Lottie said smoothly, turning to Harry as they were all seated. "We've recently found out and proved that Zayn is our missing half brother, Javadd Malik. We've also agreed you need to know the truth behind Zayn's presence at Tomlinsons."

Harry hesitated for a heartbeat, filling the silence with a slow intake of breath. "I'm sorry, did you say-?"

"Yes," Zayn interjected calmly.

♥ HOW MUCH FOR AN HEIR'S HEART? - ZARRY ♥Where stories live. Discover now